16-4 续表 continued
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
    营业利润 利润总额 所得税费用 应付职工薪酬 应交增值税 期末用工人数
项    目 Item Business Total Profits Income Tax Total Value-added Number of
    Profits   Expenses Wages Tax Payable Employed Persons
          Payable   at Year-end (person)
合 计 Total 16158768 16407977 2229995 35730372 3312132 2363452
按行业分 Grouped by Sector            
交通运输、仓储和邮政业 Transport, Storage and Postal Services 639212 808855 261836 8293023 729671 461301
 铁路运输业  Railway Transport Service -893731 -922793 1808 1499709 471340 104553
 道路运输业  Road Transport Services 1393937 1486887 292427 2207137 93610 143915
 水上运输业  Waterway Transport Service 836055 857746 128938 775486 27718 19594
 航空运输业  Air Transport Service -1067127 -1018726 -279262 1973418 43592 76612
 管道运输业  Pipeline transport Service 33675 33184 7714 18097 -25 516
 装卸搬运和运输代理业  Handling and Transportation Agency 348430 369227 77451 1197735 48685 72606
 仓储业  Warehousing Service 42332 52489 12710 205550 17717 18192
 邮政业  Postal Service -54358 -49158 20050 415893 27034 25313
信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业 Information Transmission, Software and Information Technology Services 5326641 5368960 850778 8657953 865139 362812
 电信、广播电视和卫星传输服务  Telecommunications, Broadcasting Television and Satellite Transmission Services 1026690 1008993 403340 1135806 123848 37547
 互联网和相关服务  Internet and Related Services 1505820 1519899 145346 1467629 167397 54467
 软件和信息技术服务业  Software and Information Technology Services 2794131 2840069 302092 6054517 573895 270798
房地产业(不含房地产开发) Real Estate (Not including Real Estate Development and Management) 1717851 1747192 429545 3464815 465308 340991
租赁和商务服务业 Leasing and Business Services 7054505 7114619 420238 7829197 708140 715523
 租赁业  Leasing 7748 10138 10568 160657 29013 14085
 商务服务业  BusinessServices 7046757 7104481 409670 7668541 679127 701438
科学研究和技术服务业 Scientific Research and Technical Services 1174954 1198029 194097 4554706 418753 226303
 研究和试验发展  Research and Experimental Development 288003 300499 40160 516607 40565 24027
 专业技术服务业  Professional Technical Services 900143 906202 125167 3577641 334281 182173
 科技推广和应用服务业  Services of Science and Technology Exchanges and Promotion -13191 -8673 28770 460458 43906 20103
水利、环境和公共设施管理业 Management of Water Conservancy,Environment and Public Facilities 116891 116972 12176 277807 23503 33136
 水利管理业  Management of Water Conservancy 535 618 92 2905 369 182
 生态保护和环境治理业  Ecological Protection and Environmental Treatment 47235 46119 6018 59896 9090 3454
 公共设施管理业  Management of Public Facilities 68351 69542 6049 212313 13627 29345
 土地管理业  Land Management 769 693 18 2693 416 155
居民服务、修理和其他服务业 Households' service,Repair and Other Services 6179 10812 9104 556917 41373 83606
 居民服务业  Services to Households -10688 -9923 1476 128512 6481 11742
 机动车、电子产品和日用产品修理业  Motor Vehicle,Electronic Products and Consumer Productsrepair -6340 -3732 3729 94898 14198 8603
 其他服务业  Other Services 23206 24466 3899 333506 20694 63261
教育 Education 58729 46473 13299 731256 15539 46118
卫生和社会工作 Health and Social Work 33440 38291 22166 636378 1099 56077
 卫生  Health 44158 44825 21397 548887 1074 36692
 社会工作  SocialWork -10718 -6534 769 87491 24 19385
文化、体育和娱乐业 Culture,Sports and Entertainment 30366 -42224 16757 728321 43607 37585
 新闻和出版业  News and Publication 91944 92957 1650 209453 16095 6685
 广播、电视、电影和影视录音制作业  Production of Radio,Television,Film and Video Recording 25444 30015 1495 101647 8167 7355
 文化艺术业  CultureandArts 5081 7553 2286 56260 5137 3937
 体育  Sports -106743 -173271 6261 190509 3814 7074
 娱乐业  Entertainment 14640 522 5066 170453 10395 12534

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