16-3 规模以上服务业企业主要财务指标(2021年,按大中小微型企业分)
Main Financial Indicators of Service Enterprises above the Designated Size  (2021 by Large, Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项    目 Item 合计 大型 中型 小微型
单位数(个) Number of Enterprises(unit) 12766 590 1820 10356
一、损益及分配 Profits and Loss        
  营业收入  Business Revenue 170323902 67866328 44916245 57541329
  营业成本  Business Costs 130607636 51506190 33387227 45714219
  税金及附加  Tax and Extra Charges on Business 953880 358487 241261 354132
  销售费用  Sales Expenses 8666407 3132456 3038983 2494968
  管理费用  Management Expenses 16511572 4963423 5038765 6509384
  财务费用  Financial Expenses 4201222 1330512 1493892 1376818
  投资收益(损失以“-”号记)  Investment Income(loss with “-”mark) 11038818 4029459 3210681 3798678
  营业利润  Business Profits 16158768 8414607 3495686 4248474
  利润总额  Total Profits 16407977 8455764 3550913 4401300
  所得税费用  Income Taxes Payable 2229995 751046 582521 896429
二、成本费用及增值税 Labor Cost and Value-added Tax        
  应付职工薪酬(本期贷方累计发生额)  Total Wages Payable(Credit Accumulated Amount in the current period) 35730372 18108647 10498242 7123483
  应交增值税(本年累计发生额)  Value-added Tax Payable(Accumulated Amount in this year) 3312132 1518159 838965 955008
三、期末用工人数(人)  Number of employed persons at Year-end(person) 2363452 999378 764949 599125
NoteThis table is classified according to the "Measures for the Classification of Statistically Large, Medium and Small Enterprises (2017)" by the National Bureau of Statistics.

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