16-1 主要年份规模以上服务业企业主要财务指标
Main Financial Indicators of Service Enterprises above the Designated Size
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项   目 Item 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
一、损益及分配 Profits and Loss              
 营业收入  Business Revenue 71075059 81964693 98260031 111147729 136308072 140948283 170323902
 营业成本  Business Costs 54346762 61682821 74051959 84736477 102255631 108011170 130607636
 税金及附加  Tax and Extra Charges on Business 875415 688247 752423 784873 838693 766772 953880
 销售费用  Sales Expenses 4234565 4811183 5649368 6257331 7049069 7443157 8666407
 管理费用  Management Expenses 7770064 9162761 10838863 12375523 13575797 14069717 16511572
 财务费用  Financial Expenses 2990003 3170867 3203977 3591399 3877484 3715214 4201222
 投资收益(损失以“-”号记)  Investment Income (loss with “-”mark) 4729717 5597607 6581549 7161593 7995834 9636128 11038818
 营业利润  Business Profits 6458836 7991606 10838079 11480628 14759461 12914615 16158768
 利润总额  Total Profits 8075370 10692723 12369737 12178093 15147133 13287089 16407977
 所得税费用  Income Taxes Payable 1455858 1724977 2312946 1592634 2590143 1959900 2229995
二、成本费用及增值税 Labor Cost and Value-added Tax              
 应付职工薪酬  Total Wages Payable 14105400 16046031 20178986 21116175 27857120 29958822 35730372
  其中:社会保险和   Social insurance and  - - 2044974 2370161 3820450 3298043 -
     住房公积金    Housing Fund              
 应交增值税  Value-added Tax Payable 1519759 2395313 2471997 2286922 2962502 2787615 3312132
三、期末用工人数/平均用工  Number of employed persons at  1375987 1546571 1636729 1635692 2004759 2337156 2363452
 人数(人)  Year-end/Average number of employed persons(person)              
Note: Starting from the 2021 annual report, the National Bureau of Statistics revised the statistical system, canceling the "Social insurance and housing provident fund" indicator; The number of people was changed 
     from "Average number of employed persons" to "Number of employed persons at Year-end".

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