16-5 规模以上服务业企业主要财务指标(2021年,按地区分)
Main Financial Indicators of Service Enterprises above the Designated Size(2021,by Region) 
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
    企业单位数 营业收入 营业成本 税金及附加 销售费用 管理费用 财务费用 营业利润 利润总额 所得税费用 应付职工薪酬 应交增值税 期末用工
    (个)                       人数(人)
地  区 District Number of Business Business Tax and Selling Management Financial Business Total Profits Income Tax Total Wages Value-added Number of
Enterprises Revenue Costs Extra Expenses Expenses Expenses Profits   Expenses Payable Tax Payable Employed
    (unit)     Charges                 Persons
                            at Year-end
合 计 Total 12766 170323902 130607636 953880 8666407 16511572 4201222 16158768 16407977 2229995 35730372 3312132 2363452
按地区分 By District                          
 荔湾区  Liwan 466 3725216 2000843 35089 780476 616572 26958 472643 477665 75418 778495 86666 53947
 越秀区  Yuexiu 2002 29261084 25033576 153253 805090 2626553 854020 1405018 1320671 568477 6276715 887355 452791
 海珠区  Haizhu 1875 18258117 12414739 158165 1069899 2071650 695780 2539540 2585743 365532 4035492 221446 243876
 天河区  Tianhe 3192 53291485 38504203 276253 3193255 5505353 1034722 8309103 8335206 737836 10790031 1099914 628598
 白云区  Baiyun 1286 18285618 16352317 89966 740436 1363581 506478 -494618 -412071 -167919 3835501 186229 247489
 黄埔区  Huangpu 1541 19451464 14982795 105556 934831 1509536 307405 1391222 1449339 251499 4078757 359755 303294
 番禺区  Panyu 1017 10764356 7803927 52945 720102 1021396 112291 715917 755966 112304 1936663 177294 148005
 花都区  Huadu 362 3339239 2721159 17045 110027 286077 85980 165464 174529 53767 477124 49383 42901
 南沙区  Nansha 586 11612806 9079540 45925 212889 1191411 411541 1535086 1592523 201098 2946745 193955 187171
 从化区  Conghua 113 766771 560782 6273 11384 99495 118763 65927 66887 3873 161481 15634 14254
 增城区  Zengcheng 326 1567745 1153756 13411 88018 219948 47284 53466 61521 28111 413369 34501 41126

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