

People's Livelihood

  1. 8-1城乡居民人均全年可支配收入和消费支出情况
    Per Capita Annual Disposable Income and Expenditure for Consumption of Urban and Rural Residents
  2. 8-1续表
  3. 8-2城乡居民家庭平均每百户年末耐用消费品拥有量
    Ownership of Major Durable Consumer Goods per 100Urban and Rural Households at Year-end
  4. 8-3城镇居民家庭基本情况(2021年)
    Basic Conditions of Urban Households (2021)
  5. 8-3续表
  6. 8-4按收入五等份分组的城镇居民人均收支及构成 (2021年)
    Per Capita Income and Expenditure of Urban Residents Grouped by Five Income Parts and Their Composition (2021)
  7. 8-5城镇居民人均可支配收入、恩格尔系数及人均住房建筑面积
    Per Capita Annual Disposable Income, Engel's Coefficient and Per Capita Housing Construction Area of Urban Households
  8. 8-6城镇居民家庭年末居住情况(2021年)
    Housing Conditions of Urban Households at Year-end (2021)
  9. 8-7各区城镇居民人均可支配收入情况
    The Per Capita Annual Disposable Income of Urban Residents by District
  10. 8-8主要年份农村居民人均可支配收入、恩格尔系数及人均住房建筑面积
    Per Capita Annual Disposable Income, Engel's Coefficient and Per Capita Housing Construction Area of Rural Households in Main Years
  11. 8-9农村居民家庭基本情况(2021年)
    Basic Conditions of Rural Households (2021)
  12. 8-9续表
  13. 8-10按收入五等份分组的农村居民人均收支及构成 (2021年)
    Per Capita Income and Expenditure of Rural Residents Grouped by Five Income Parts and Their Composition (2021)
  14. 8-11各区农村居民人均可支配收入情况
    The Per Capita Annual Disposable Income of Rural Residents by District