8-1 城乡居民人均全年可支配收入和消费支出情况
Per Capita Annual Disposable Income and Expenditure for Consumption of Urban and Rural Residents
单位:元 (yuan)
项  目 Item Urban Residents
2020 2021
可支配收入 Disposable Income 68304 74416
消费支出 Total Living Expenditures for Consumption 44283 47162
 食品烟酒   Food,Tobacco and Liquor 14343 14974
 衣着   Clothing 1984 2226
 居住   Residence 10907 11060
 生活用品及服务   Articles for Daily Use and Services 2839 2853
 交通通信   Transportation and Communication 6164 6223
 教育文化娱乐   Education, Cultural and Recreation 4716 6145
 医疗保健   Health Care and Medical Services 2010 2179
 其他用品和服务   Miscellaneous Articles for Use and Services 1320 1502

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