8-6 城镇居民家庭年末居住情况(2021年)
Housing Conditions of Urban Households at Year-end (2021)
项   目 Item 调查户
Households Surveyed
按居住空间样式分 Grouped by Design of Residential Buildings                 1200
 单栋楼房   Separate Residential Buildings               345
 单栋平房   Separate Residential Terraces 18
 四居室及以上单元房   Four-room and Above Apartments 70
 三居室单元房   Three-room Apartments                     380
 二居室单元房   Two-room Apartments                      322
 一居室单元房   One-room Apartments                      65
 筒子楼或连片平房   Tube-shaped Apartments or Bungalows  
 其他   Others   
按主要建筑材料分 Grouped by Main Building Materials                 1200
 钢筋混凝土   Reinforced Concrete 1161
 砖混材料   Brick and Reinforced Concrete 35
 砖瓦砖木   Brick-tile and Brick-wood 4
 竹草土坯   Bamboo Grass and Adobe  
 其他   Others   
按房房屋来源分 Grouped by Source of Buildings 1200
 租赁公房   Public Apartments for Lease                 53
 租赁私房   Private Apartments for Lease                45
 自建住房   Self-built 383
 购买商品房   Purchase Commercial Residential Apartment 525
 购买房改住房   Purchase Housing-reformation Apartment 113
 购买保障性住房   Purchase Indemnificatory Apartment 7
 拆迁安置房   Settlement Apartment for House Removal 45
 继承或获赠住房   Inherited or Gifted 19
 免费借用房   Borrow for Free 7
 雇主提供免费住房   Employer-provided for Free 1
 其他来源   Others                                  2
按主要炊用能源状况分 Grouped by Fuel for Cooking                 1200
 柴草   Firewood  
 煤炭   Coal                                    1
 罐装液化石油气   Tanked LPG                              476
 管道液化石油气   Pipeline LPG Gas                         4
 管道煤气   Pipeline Gas                              8
 管道天然气   Pipeline Natural Gas                       664
 电   Electricity 45
 燃料用油   Oil for Fuel  
 沼气   Methane  
 其他   Others                                  2
 无炊用行为   Without Cooking Behavior  

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