8-8 主要年份农村居民人均可支配收入、恩格尔系数及人均住房建筑面积
Per Capita Annual Disposable Income, Engel's Coefficient and Per Capita Housing 
Construction Area of Rural Households in Main Years
单位:元 (yuan)
  人均可支配收入 恩格尔系数 人均住房建筑面积
年 份 Disposable Income (%) (平方米)
Year 绝对数 (元) 指 数 (上年=100) Engel's Coefficient of Per Capita housing
  Value (yuan) Index (preceding year=100) Urban Households (%) construction area (sq.m)
1978 249.80   67.13 6.84
1979 250.95 100.46 65.13 7.26
1980 322.66 128.58 54.68 10.43
1985 732.70 106.53 55.49 20.29
1986 857.17 116.99 51.76 21.32
1987 1074.92 125.40 52.70 23.51
1988 1324.48 123.22 50.06 24.24
1989 1524.80 115.12 50.06 24.07
1990 1538.93 100.93 49.05 24.36
1991 1735.57 112.78 51.59 25.59
1992 2152.28 124.01 54.94 25.87
1993 2661.34 123.65 48.72 26.54
1994 3670.24 137.91 49.55 27.67
1995 4482.51 122.13 46.33 29.35
1996 5164.67 115.22 44.96 31.63
1997 5545.91 107.38 47.37 32.21
1998 5628.95 101.50 42.62 35.73
1999 5833.92 103.64 48.54 36.66
2000 6085.97 104.32 38.21 30.60
2001 6445.72 105.91 43.77 30.43
2002(旧口径)(Old caliber) 6856.62 106.37 43.27 31.42
2002(新口径)(New caliber) 5831.34      
2003 6129.95 105.12 43.88 36.01
2004 6625.16 108.08 43.75 36.59
2005 7080.19 106.87 43.22 35.66
2006 7788.27 110.00 42.60 36.44
2007 8612.84 110.59 42.82 38.54
2008 9828.12 114.11 42.33 38.73
2009 11066.69 112.60 43.95 40.59
2010 12675.55 114.54 45.91 43.67
2011 14817.72 116.90 44.71 44.70
2012 16788.48 113.30 44.50 45.27
2013 18887.04 112.50 44.21 45.32
2014 17662.80 110.30 42.89 49.87
2015 19323.10 109.40 39.42 49.58
2016 21448.60 111.00 39.50 49.74
2017 23483.88 109.50 38.80 49.86
2018 26020.10 110.80 38.30 50.33
2019 28867.90 110.94 38.22 50.41
2020 31266.30 108.31 38.90 50.43
2021 34533.26 110.45 38.04 50.93
Notes: I.Guangzhou started an integrated household income and expenditure survey in 2014 and the income of rural households is published with new statistical standard.The "Per Capita Net Income" is no longer used and 
     the " Per Capita Disposable Income" takes the place of it. In this table, the "Per Capita Net Income" is preserved before 2014. The index in 2014 is calculated in the same standard of disposable income.
     II. Since 2015, "Consumer expenditure" and "Engel's coefficient" are calculated by the new statistical standard, and the data in and before 2014 in this table is using the old calculation standard.

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