8-4 按收入五等份分组的城镇居民人均收支及构成 (2021年)
Per Capita Income and Expenditure of Urban Residents Grouped by Five Income Parts and Their Composition (2021)
单位:元 (yuan)
            总平均 低收入户 中等偏下收入户 中等收入户 中等偏上收入户 高收入户
项   目 Item   Average Low Income Lower Middle Middle Income Upper Middle High Income
              Households Income Households Households Income Households Households
人均可支配收入         Disposable Income                             74416.17 37849.50 55472.76 75947.16 92787.27 127548.05
 工资性收入           Income from Wages and Salaries                  48712.83 27313.14 36638.88 50683.94 59072.23 78150.26
 经营净收入           Net Business Income                            4345.90 1459.23 3002.44 1612.34 4046.13 12265.52
 财产净收入           Net Income from Property                        14607.89 6396.39 10628.00 17532.62 19592.91 25837.23
 转移净收入           Net Income from Transfers                       6749.55 2680.74 5203.44 6118.26 10076.00 11295.04
可支配收入构成      (%)   Composition of Disposable Income            (%)   100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
 工资性收入           Income of Wages and Salaries                     65.46 72.16 66.05 66.74 63.66 61.27
 经营净收入           Net Business Income                            5.84 3.86 5.41 2.12 4.36 9.62
 财产净收入           Net Income from Properties                       19.63 16.90 19.16 23.09 21.12 20.26
 转移净收入           Net Income from Transfers                       9.07 7.08 9.38 8.05 10.86 8.85
人均消费支出          Total Consumption Expenditures                 47161.86 28905.10 37191.07 47263.12 55956.95 72800.15
 食品烟酒            Food,Tobacco and Liquor                        14973.89 10874.59 13792.47 14928.37 16191.30 18473.28
 衣着              Clothing                                      2226.04 1254.41 1517.64 2347.57 2655.19 3502.93
 居住              Residence                                     11059.45 6348.82 8236.36 10853.78 13663.78 18392.33
 生活用品及服务         Articles for Daily Use and Services                 2853.29 1704.01 2039.37 2871.45 3592.72 5242.42
 交通通信            Transport and Communications                   6223.01 3273.55 4627.67 5922.44 7880.52 10734.65
 教育文化娱乐           Education, Cultural and Recreation                6145.19 3623.72 4156.23 7051.37 7506.09 9193.82
 医疗保健             Health Care and Medical Services                 2178.88 1234.32 1629.81 2066.41 2596.82 4435.82
 其他用品和服务          Miscellaneous Articles for Use                    1502.11 591.68 1191.52 1221.73 1870.53 2824.90
消费支出构成 (%)   Composition of Consumption Expenditure      (%)   100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
 食品烟酒            Food,Tobacco and Liquor                        31.75 37.62 37.09 31.59 28.94 25.38
 衣着              Clothing                                      4.72 4.34 4.08 4.97 4.75 4.81
 居住              Living                                       23.44 21.95 22.15 22.96 24.42 25.26
 生活用品及服务         Daily Necessities and Services                    6.05 5.90 5.48 6.08 6.42 7.20
 交通通信            Transportation and Telecommunication             13.20 11.33 12.44 12.53 14.08 14.75
 教育文化娱乐          Education,Culture and Entertainment               13.03 12.54 11.18 14.92 13.41 12.63
 医疗保健            Health Service                                 4.62 4.27 4.38 4.37 4.64 6.09
 其他用品和服务         Other Necessities and Services                    3.19 2.05 3.20 2.58 3.34 3.88

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