15-22  旅行社基本情况
Statistics on Travel Agencies
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
      Item 2021 2022
企业情况               Statistics of Enterprises                                                               
  企业数             (个)   Number of Enterprises                                                         (unit) 878 924
  年末从业人员       (人)   Employed Persons at Year-end                                       (person) 13320 10384
组团(外联)旅游情况      Organized (Overseas) Tourism Contracted                               
  组团(外联)人数 (万人次)   Organized (Overseas) Persons Contracted (10000 person-times) 315.53 155.94
    入境旅游者             Overseas Tourists                                                                       0.22 0.01
    国内旅游者             Domestic Tourists                                                                       315.31 155.93
     # 出境游                Local Residents Going Overseas                                            
经营情况               Statistics of Operation                                                                 
  营业收入               Operating Income                                                                         900818 709687
  营业成本               Operating Cost                                                                              797034 623639
  税金及附加             Taxes and Extra Charges                                                              1136 2149
  销售费用                Selling expenses                                                                           36592 30607
  管理费用               Management Expense                                                                   84845 78997
  财务费用               Financial Expense                                                                         773 1869
  营业利润               Operating Profit                                                                            -53714 -44394
  营业外收支净额         Net Income of Non-business                                                        6980 4357
  利润总额               Total Profits                                                                                  -41632 -39321
注: 组团(外联)人数包括旅行社外联入境旅游者人数和组团境内旅游者人数,包括过夜人数和不过夜人数,不包括接待人数。
Note: The organized(overseas)persons contracted includes both international and domestic tourists contracted by travel agencies and the data includes
          tourists staying overnight or not, except reception persons.

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