附5 续表 continued
地  区 Region 年末人口 港口集装箱吞吐量 进出口总额 出口总额 进口总额
(万人) (万标准集装箱) (亿美元) (亿美元) (亿美元)
Population at Container Total Exports Total Exports Total Imports
the Year-end Throughput and Imports (USD 100 (USD 100
(10000 persons) (10000 TEUs) (USD 100 million) million) million)
广  州  Guangzhou 1881.06 2446.65 1674.54 976.18 698.35
深  圳  Shenzhen 1768.16 2876.76 5485.77 2982.12 2503.65
珠  海  Zhuhai 246.67 204.00 513.58 291.76 221.82
佛  山  Foshan 961.26 370.73 952.20 773.59 178.60
惠  州  Huizhou 606.60 50.66 472.96 330.06 142.89
东  莞  Dongguan 1053.68 368.49 2359.97 1479.61 880.36
中  山  Zhongshan 446.69 139.42 417.03 345.33 71.71
江  门  Jiangmen 483.51 173.28 276.93 226.82 50.11
肇  庆  Zhaoqing 412.97 56.14 62.75 42.09 20.67
香港特别 Hong Kong Special  740.31 1780 13210.65 6382.05 6828.60
 行政区  Administrative Region          
澳门特别  Macao Special  68.32 12.41 208.39 16.19 192.19
 行政区  Administrative Region          
注:1.本表香港、澳门统计数据来自香港政府统计处、澳门统计暨普查局。香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区地区生产总值为“本地生产总值 ”。澳门特别行政区集装箱吞吐量为载货集装箱吞
   吐量,其余为集装箱总吞吐量。 本表汇率按照100港币=83.00人民币元,100澳门元=80.58人民币元,100美元=645.15人民币元计算。①为港币元。②为澳门元。  
Notes: I. Data in this chart regarding Hong Kong and Macao come from the Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department, and the Macao Statistics and Census Service. The regional GDP of the Hong Kong Special
    Administrative Region and the Macao Special Administrative Region are labeled as“Regional GDP.”The container throughput of the Macao Special Adminis-trative Region is the cargo containing container
    throughput; the other container throughput data is total container throughput. This chart is calculated using currency conversion rates of 100 HKD=83.00RMB, 100MOP=80.85RMB, and 100USD=645.15
    RMB. Hong Kong Dollars. Macao Pataca.
   II. In this table, the land area data of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Huizhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen and Zhaoqing are the data of 2020.

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