附 2 广东省国民经济主要指标
Main Indicators of National Economy of Guangdong Province
项    目   Item   2020 2021
年末常住人口          (万人)   Year-end Population                           (10000 persons)   12624 12684
年末就业人员人数        (万人)   Year-end Employed Persons                     (10000 persons)   7039 7072
地区生产总值          (亿元)   Gross Domestic Products                      (100 million yuan)   111151.63 124369.67
人均地区生产总值         (元)   Per Capita GDP                                       (yuan)   88521 98285
社会消费品零售总额       (亿元)   Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods           (100 million yuan)   40207.85 44187.71
货运量             (万吨)   Freight Traffic                                   (10000 tons)   356221 398420
客运量             (万人)   Passenger Traffic                              (10000 persons)   87777 62126
港口货物吞吐量         (万吨)   Volume of Freight Handled at Ports                  (10000 tons)   202226 209600
邮政业务总量 (亿元)   Business Volume of Postal and Telecommunication Services        (100 million yuan)   5807.81 3021.10
电信业务总量 (亿元)   Business Volume of Telecommunications Services (100 million yuan)   15025.30 1933.49
进口总值           (亿美元)   Total Imports                              (100 million dollar)   3956.03 4977.07
出口总值           (亿美元)   Total Exports                              ( 100 million dollar)   6282.99 7818.60
实际利用外商直接投资      (亿元)   Amount of Direct Foreign Capital Actually Used   (100 million yuan)   1620.29 1840.02
地方一般公共预算收入      (亿元)   General Public Budgetary Revenue of Local Government           (100 million yuan)   12923.85 14105.04
地方一般公共预算支出      (亿元)   General Public Budgetary Expenditure of Local Government        (100 million yuan)   17430.79 18247.01
居民消费价格指数      (上年=100)   General Consumer Price Index               (preceding year=100)   102.6 100.8
工业生产者出厂价格指数   (上年=100)   Producer Price Index for Manufactured Goods   (preceding year=100)   99.0 103.4
工业生产者购进价格指数   (上年=100)   Producer Price Index for Purchased Goods      (preceding year=100)   97.4 108.0
城镇单位就业人员年平均工资    (元)   Average Wage of Fully Employed Staff and Workers in Urban Units  (yuan)   108045 118133
城镇常住居民人均可支配收入    (元)   Per Capita Disposable Income of Urban Residents            (yuan)   50257 54854
农村常住居民人均可支配收入    (元)   Per Capita Disposable Income of Rural Residents            (yuan)   20143 22306
在校学生数           (万人)   Number of Enrolled Students by Level of School     (10000 persons)      
 普通高等学校               Institutions of Higher Education                              240.02 253.98
 中等学校                 Secondary Schools                                         743.40 783.17
 小 学                  Primary Schools                                           1057.11 1079.01
医院、卫生院           (个)   Medical Technical Personnel                     (10000 persons)   2875 2935
执业(助理)医师         (万人)   Number of Doctors                            (10000 persons)   30.73 32.09
医院及卫生院床位        (万张)   Hospital Beds                                   (10000 units)   52.39 54.66
Note: The figures of 2021 are preliminary statistics, and the figures of 2020 are finally statistics.

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