附1 全国国民经济主要指标
Main Indicators of National Economy of China
项    目   Item   2020 2021
年末总人口        (万人)   Year-end Population                                      (10000 persons)   141212 141260
国内生产总值       (亿元)   Gross Domestic Product                                 (100 million yuan)   1013567 1143670
# 第一产业               Primary Industry     78031 83086
 第二产业      Secondary Industry     383562 450905
 第三产业      Tertiary Industry     551974 609680
人均国内生产总值 (元)   Per Capita Gross Domestic Product     71828 80976
全社会固定资产投资额   (亿元)   Total Investment in Fixed Assets                          (100 million yuan)   527270 552884
社会消费品零售总额    (亿元)   Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods                      (100 million yuan)   391981 440823
货物周转量      (亿吨公里)   Total Freight To-kilometers                            (100 million ton-km)   201946 223600
旅客周转量      (亿人公里)   Total Passener-kilometers                         (100 million passenger-km)   19251 19758
邮政业务总量       (亿元)   Business Volume of Postal Services                        (100 million yuan)   21053 13698
电信业务总量       (亿元)   Business Volume of Telecommunication Services             (100 million yuan)   136763 16960
货物进出口总额     (亿美元)   Total Imports & Exports through Customs                   (100 million yuan)   46559 60515
 进口总额       (亿美元)   Total Imports through Customs                           (100 million dollar)   20660 26875
 出口总额       (亿美元)   Total Exports through Customs                           (100 million dollar)   25900 33640
实际使用外商直接投资  (亿美元)   Amount of Capital Actually Used in Foreign Direct Investment  (USD 100 million)   1444 1735
一般公共预算收入        (亿元)   General Public Budget Revenue (100 million yuan)   182914 202539
居民消费价格总指数  (上年=100)   General Consumer Price Index                          (preceding year=100)   102.5 100.9
城镇非私营单位就业人员年     Average Wage of Employed persons in Urban Units                    (yuan)   97379 106837
 平均工资         (元)            
城镇居民年人均可支配收入  (元)   Per Capita Annual Disposable Income of Urban Residents                (yuan)   43834 47412
农村居民年人均可支配收入  (元)   Per Capita Annual Disposable Income of Rural Residents                (yuan)   17131 18931
在校学生数             Number of Enrolled Students by Level of School                               
# 普通本专科学校     (万人)    Undergraduate in Regular HEIS                            (10000 persons)   3285 3496
 普通高中        (万人)    Regular Senior Secondary Schools                          (10000 persons)   2494 2605
 普通小学        (万人)    Primary Schools                                        (10000 persons)   10725 10780
医疗卫生机构床位数    (万张)   Hospital Beds                                             (10000 units)   910 945
卫生技术人员       (万人)   Medical Technical Personnel                               (10000 persons)   1068 1124
# 执业医师和执业助理医师        Doctors and Assistant Medical Practitioners                                409 429
Note: The figures of 2021 are preliminary statistics, and the figures of 2020 are finally statistics.

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