17-16 规模以上工业企业高新技术产品情况(2021年)
Statistics on High-tech Products of Industrial Enterprisesa Above the Designated Size (2021)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项  目 Item 企业数 产品数 总产值 产品销售收入 出口销售收入 实现利税总额
(个) (个)        
Number of Number of Total Output Sales Revenue Sales Revenue Total
Enterprises Products Value   of Exports Profits and
(unit) (unit)       Taxes
总  计 Total 2507 7754 107060696 106481334 13123190 10730664
按地区分 By District            
 荔湾区  Liwan 30 121 784033 741406 40416 128044
 越秀区  Yuexiu 1 4 3526 3521   843
 海珠区  Haizhu 32 121 867692 836238 11106 51412
 天河区  Tianhe 77 420 1682837 1697460 89394 113752
 白云区  Baiyun 405 1135 6080719 5829987 559905 384410
 黄埔区  Huangpu 535 2064 37892440 36123814 7097587 3271112
 番禺区  Panyu 481 1465 11799298 12523292 1014318 957686
 花都区  Huadu 346 890 18726541 18222731 1082154 1358820
 南沙区  Nansha 235 657 18771835 19244732 1847869 3844759
 从化区  Conghua 152 414 2249350 2322303 384463 199687
 增城区  Zengcheng 213 463 8202425 8935850 995978 420139
按技术领域分 By Technological Circle            
 电子与信息技术  Electronic and Information Technology     1678 19869287 18717348 5934399 1539618
 机电一体化技术  Integration Technology for Machinery with Electronics   1424 34130357 34992940 1634445 4549073
 生物技术  Biotechnology    1487 7124936 6641006 502042 1274271
 新材料技术  New Material Technology    1517 15629649 15942509 2404989 1314219
 新能源高效节能  New Energy and High-efficiency Energy-saving   540 7580237 7615942 886793 687264
 环保技术  Environmental Protection Technology   227 1818017 1830958 100936 144391
 其他技术  Others   881 20908213 20740631 1659586 1221828
Note: The scale of output value of high-tech products does not include military enterprises. 

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