17-15 高新技术产品情况(2021年)
Statistics on High-tech Products (2021)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项   目 Item 企业数 总产值 产  品 出  口 实现利税
(个)   销售收入 销售收入 总额
Number of Gross Sales Sales Total
Enterprises Output Revenue Revenue of Profits and
(unit) Value   Export Taxes
合 计 Total 4309 118306485 120745447 14131588 12484933
# 规模以上工业  Industries above Designated Size  2507 107060696 106481334 13123190 10730664
 规模以上服务业  Service above Designated Size  840   8055231 78628 992008
Note:The scale of output value of high-tech products does not include military enterprises;The total output value of industries above the scale in 2021,excluding military enterprises was 2287952.31 million yuan.

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