17-13 科研机构研究与试验发展(R&D)情况
Research and Experimental Development (R&D) of R&D Institutions 
项   目   Item   2020 2021
R&D经费内部支出合计  (万元)   Expenditure for R&D            (10000 yuan)   1389305.1 1596083.1
按类型分组           Group by Expenditure Type                    
 基础研究支出             Basic Research Expenditure                319833.2 401450.4
 应用研究支出             Applied Research Expenditure                397523.2 520834.8
 试验发展支出             Experimental Development Expenditure        671948.7 673797.9
按资金来源分组           Grouped by Source of Funds                    
 政府资金               Government Appropriation Funds             1125049.2 1268691.7
 企业资金               Self-raised Funds of Enterprises               63325.8 69696.2
 境外资金               Overseas Funds                          730.1 1022.9
 其他资金               Others                                 200200 256672.3
R&D人员         (人)   R&D Personnel                     (person)   24901 26670
R&D人员折合全时当量  (人年)   Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel          18973 21346
按类型分组           Group by Type                      
 基础研究             Basic Research                 4916 5955
 应用研究            Applied Research              6466 7335
 试验发展            Experimental Development       7591 8056

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