17-10 资质以上建筑业企业研发情况
Research and Experimental Development (R&D) of Grade Construction Enterprises
项   目   Item   2020 2021
资质以上建筑业企业数  (个)   Number of Grade Construction Enterprises     (unit)   349 395
# 有R&D活动的企业数   (个)   Number of Enterprises Having R&D Activities      (unit)   116 99
 有研发机构的企业数  (个)    Number of Enterprises Having Research and    104 101
                  Development Institutions      (unit)      
R&D经费内部支出合计  (万元)   Expenditure for R&D                (10000 yuan)   314149.3 312012.3
按支出用途分组         Grouped by use of Expenditure                      
 经常性支出            Recurrent Expenditure                         306754 304540.7
 资产性支出            Capital Expenditure                           7395.3 7471.6
按支出类型分组         Group by Expenditure Type                         
 基础研究支出           Basic Research Expenditure                    31.3 1312
 应用研究支出           Applied Research Expenditure                  12576.1 10046.5
 试验发展支出           Experimental Development Expenditure             301541.9 300653.8
按资金来源分组         Grouped by Source of Funds                        
 政府资金             Government Appropriation Funds                1563.2 1080.5
 企业资金             Self-raised Funds of Enterprises                 312586.1 310874.1
 境外资金             Overseas Funds         
 其他资金             Others         57.7
R&D人员         (人)   R&D Personnel                         (person)   8439 6259
R&D人员折合全时当量  (人年)   Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel  (person-year)   6400 4189
企业办研发机构数    (个)   Number of Research and Development Institutions in      147 140
                  Enterprises                 (unit)      
研发机构人员      (人)   Personnel in Research and Development Institutions  (person)   12882 12764
# 硕士毕业及以上的人员         Personnel with Educational Background of Master and Above   932 870
Note: Data in this table is the first-grade qualification of construction enterprise refers to the special and general contracting of construction enterprise specialized contracting.

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