17-8 研究与试验发展(R&D)人员投入基本情况
Basic situation on personnel input in Research and Experimental Development (R&D)
指  标   Item   2020 2021
R&D人员           (万人)   Number of R&D Personnel        (10 000 persons)   23.93 23.57
按部门分组              Grouped by Source of Department                     
 企业                 Enterprises                                     15.20 13.95
 高校                 Institutions of Higher Education                    5.85 6.59
 科研机构               R&D Institutions                                2.49 2.67
 其他                 others                                         0.39 0.37
R&D人员折合全时当量    (万人年)   Number of R&D Personnel    (10 000 person-years)   16.04 15.24
按部门分组              Grouped by Source of Department                     
 企业                 Enterprises                                     11.03 9.63
 高校                 Institutions of Higher Education                    2.86 3.21
 科研机构               R&D Institutions                                1.90 2.13
 其他                 others                                         0.25 0.26
按类型分组              Group by Type          
 基础研究                Basic Research                                2.10 2.43
 应用研究                Applied Research                              2.36 2.66
 试验发展                Experimental Development                      11.58 10.15
Note: Mechanical error caused by rounding is not adjusted here.

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