17-5 专利授权量
 Patent Certified
单位:件 (item)
指  标 Indicatiors 专利授权量
Patent Certified
2020 2021
总 计 Total 155835 189516
 按种类分  By Sort    
  发  明   Creations and Inventions 15077 24120
  实用新型   Utility Models 83462 106900
  外观设计   Appearance Designs 57296 58496
 按对象分  By Applicant    
  非职务发明创造   Non-position Creations and Inventions 48320 68735
  职务发明创造   Position Creations and Inventions 107515 120781
   大专院校    Universities and Colleges 11259 15104
   科研单位    Research Institutions 2620 2939
   工矿企业    Industrial Enterprises 92134 101120
   机关团体    Govermment Agencies and Organizations 1502 1618

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