17-4 科协基本情况(2021年)
Basic Statistics on Associations for Science and Technology (2021)
项   目   Item   合 计    
    Total # 市科协 区科协
      City-level District-level
      Associations Associations
机构数               (个)   Number of Associations for Science & Technology                                (unit)   15 4 11
机关人数              (人)   Number of Agency Personnel                                              (person)   117 43 74
在册学会、协会、研究会       (个)   Number of Registered Societies, Associations and Research Societies                 (unit)   165 104 61
企业科协              (个)   Associations in Enterprises                                                  (unit)   312 231 81
乡镇/街道科协个数          (个)   Associations in County-level cities/Communities                                 (unit)   155   155
农技协个数             (个)   Specialized Rural Technological Societies                                       (unit)   5   5
举行国内外学术交流活动       (次)   Number of Domestic and International Academic Meetings                        (times)   41 41  
参加人数              (人)   Number of Participants                                              (person-times)   257076 257076  
举办科普宣讲活动          (次)   Number of Lectures on Popular Science                                        (times)   1646 1045 601
 其中:专家科普报告会       (次)   Number of Experts Popular Science Reports                                    (times)   318 281 37
 其中:举办专题展览        (次)   Number of Special Subject Exhibitions                                        (times)   122 96 26
 其中:开展科技咨询        (次)   Number of Scientific and Technological Consulting                              (times)   270 47 223
 其中:属于全国科普日、科普周活动 (次)   Number of the Activities of National Science Popularization Day and Science      203 29 174
                         Popularization Week                                                      (times)        
 其中:举办青少年科普活动     (次)   Number of Lectures on Popular Science for Teenagers                            (times)   788 601 187
科普宣讲活动受众人数       (人次)   Number of Participants in Lectures on Popular Science                      (person-time)   18895360 16996173 1899187
 其中:属于全国科普日、科普周活动     Number of Participants in National Science Popularization Day and Science                 5293678 4199472 1094206
  受众人数           (人次)    Popularization Week                                                 (person-time)        
 其中:青少年科普活动受众人数  (人次)   Number of Participants in Lectures on Popular Science for Teenagers           (person-time)   863391 65057 798334
参加活动科技人员、专家人数    (人次)   Number of Participants in Lectures on Popular Science for Scientists and Experts  (person-time)   2153 1301 852
参加科普宣讲活动的学会、协会、研究会    (个次)   Number of Participants in Lectures on Popular Science for Academies, Associations          270 31 239
                   and Research societies                                                 (unit-time)        
科普宣讲活动覆盖村(社区)个数    (个)   Number of Villages covered (Communities covered) by Lectures on Popular Science (unit)   805 171 634
举办实用技术培训          (次)   Number of Practical and Technical Training Courses                             (times)   120 68 52
实用技术培训人数          (人)   Number of Participants to Practical and Technical Training Courses                (person)   16910 9883 7027
推广新技术、新品种         (项)   Popularizing New Technologies and New Species                                (items)   1296 1264 32
举办青少年科技竞赛         (项)   Number of Teenagers Science and Technology Competitions                       (times)   35 14 21
青少年科技竞赛参加人数       (人)   Number of Persons Engaged in Teenagers Science and Technology Competitions      (person)   20387 5018 15369
青少年科技竞赛获奖人数       (人)   Number of Winners in Teenagers Science and Technology Competitions             (person)   7136 3483 3653
科技馆(科普活动中心)        (个)   Number of Science Centers                                                   (unit)   2 1 1
科普活动站(室)           (个)   Number of Popular Science labs                                               (unit)   340   340
主办科普微信公众号         (个)   Number of Host Popular Science WeChat public account                           (unit)   9 2 7
关注数               (人)   Number of Followers                                                      (person)   107895 93091 14804
年度总阅读数           (人次)   Number of Annual total reading                                         (person-time)   651045 574216 76829
主办科技传播类网站         (个)   Number of Host Science and Technology Communication Websites                   (unit)   2 1 1
浏览人数             (人次)   Number of Visitors                                                   (person-time)   1761272 119864 1641408
接待国外专家学者          (人)   Foreign Experts and Scholars                                               (person)        
接待港澳台地区专家学者       (人)   Experts and Scholars from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan                       (person)   40 40  
参与“创交会”人数         (人)   Number of Persons Engaged in  China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fair         (person)   35262 35262  

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