17-3 获得省级以上科技成果奖励情况
Statistics on Provincial Prizes and Above for Scientific and Technological Research Achievements
单位:项 (item)
指    标 Indicators 2020 2021
国家级科技奖励成果 National Prizes for Scientific and Technological Research Achievements 23  
 国家发明奖  Number of National Invention Prizes Awarded 2  
 国家自然科学奖  Number of National Natural Sciences Prizes Awarded 2  
 国家科技进步奖  Number of National Scientific and Technological Progress Prizes Awarded 19  
省级科技奖励成果 Provincial Prizes for Scientific and Technological Research Achievements 142 135
 省科技进步奖  Number of Provincial Scientific and Technological Progress Prizes Awarded 107 103
Note: National science and technology award achievements have not completed the final evaluation, so the relevant data is unavailable. 

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