17-2 续表 continue
            全 市  
项   目   Item   Total # 市 属
      Managed by
机构数         (个)   Number of Institutions                     (unit)   188 30
# 自然科学       Natural Science                              75 7
从业人员        (人)   Employed Persons                      (person)   35027 4943
# 自然科学       Natural Science                              19535 1483
在从业人员中的科研人员  (人)   Scientific Researchers of Employed Persons  (person)   30560 4294
# 自然科学       Natural Science                              17755 1234
NoteThe classification of scientific research and development institutions was further refined and clarified. Natural science refers to government departments at or above county level belonging to research 
   and development institutions in the field of natural science and technology (science, industry, agriculture and medicine).

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