17-1 科技监测主要指标
Main Indicators of Scientific and Technological Monitoring
项     目     Item     2020 2021
科研机构人均固定资产原价  (千元/人)   Per Capita Original Value of Fixed Assets of Scientific           848.00 936.87
                     Research Institutions                    (1000 yuan/person)      
科学研究和技术服务业新增固定资产    Proportion of Newly-increasing Fixed Assets in Science           0.52 0.74
 占全社会新增固定资产比重    (%)    Research and Technology Services to Newly-increasing            
                     Fixed Assets of the Whole Society                      (%)      
每万人口专利授权量     (件/万人)   Number of Patent Applications Granted per 1 Million            160.75 189.83
                     Persons                            (piece/10000 persons)      
每万人口发明专利授权量   (件/万人)   Number of Invention & Patent Applications Granted             15.55 24.16
                     per Million Persons                   (piece/10000 persons)      
专业技术人才数        (万人)   Number of professional and technical personnel  (10000 persons)   195.00 200.00
 其中:高级职称              Senior title of professional                               22.40 24.00
    中级职称              Middle title of professional                              89.74 91.20
    初级职称              Junior title of professional                               82.86 84.80
技术市场合同成交金额年增长率   (%)   Annual Growth Rates of Contracted Transaction Value           77.21 6.94
                     in Technical Market                                 (%)      

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