14-15 亿元以上商品交易市场成交情况(2021年)
Statistics on Commodity Exchange Markets with Total Sale over 100  Million Yuan (2021)
项   目 Item 出租摊位数 总成交额
(个) (万元)
Number of Booths Total Transaction Values
(unit) (10000 yuan)
合 计 Total 74542 21978970
粮油、食品类 Grain and Oil 10111 5693447
饮料类 Beverages 481 115992
烟酒类 Tobacco and Liquor 186 39290
服装鞋帽、针、纺织品类 Garments, Shoes, Hats, Knitwear and Textiles 37111 10670398
化妆品类 Cosmetics 2393 99386
金银珠宝类 Gold, Silver and Jewelry    
日用品类 Articles for Daily Use 10656 1348006
五金电料类 Hardware and Electrical Appliances 3002 629768
体育、娱乐用品类 Sports and Recreation Articles  212 23092
书报杂志类 Books, Newspapers and Magazines 81 13149
电子出版物及音像制品类 E-journal and Video Products    
家用电器和音像器材类 Household Appliances and Video Appliances 157 17451
中西药品类 Traditional Chinese and Western Medicines 384 43031
文化办公用品类 Cultural and Office Goods 598 103541
家具类 Furniture 383 34406
通讯器材类 Communication Equipments  1 92
煤炭及制品类 Coal and Coal Products    
木材及制品类 Wood and Wooden Products 277 29100
石油及制品类 Petroleum and Related Products    
化工材料及制品类 Chemical Materials and Related Products 27 3480
金属材料类 Metal Materials 583 409201
建筑及装潢材料类 Building and Decoration Materials 1724 164866
机电产品及设备类 Mechanical and Electrical Products 3 1280
汽车类 Automobiles 4073 1818759
种子饲料类 Seed and Feedstuff 12 322
棉麻类 Cotton and Hemp    
其他类 Others 2087 720913

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