14-14 续表 continued
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
    营业面积 从业人数 商品销售额  
    (平方米) (人) (营业额) # 零售额
项  目 Item Business Employed Commodity Retail
    Area Persons Sales Sales
    (sq.m) (person) (turnover)  
总 计 Total 5958124 152684 15400542 12190311
批发业 Wholesale Trade 97568 3418 268854 131560
零售业 Retail Trade 4804117 67274 13288765 10254867
 按注册类型分  Grouped by Registration Status        
  内资   Domestic Funded Enterprises 2764346 36558 9458825 7083416
  外商及港澳台投资   Enterprises with Funds from Foreign Countries,Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 2039771 30716 3829940 3171451
 按零售业态分  By Retail Format        
  百货商店    Department Stores 1177690 9612 2370953 2196958
  超级市场    Supermarkets 1323607 16013 1818360 1223929
  专业店    Specialized Stores 1903978 27479 8048623 6055209
  专卖店    Franchised Stores 44155 4089 426336 280592
  其 他    Others 354687 10081 624494 498179
住宿业 Accommodation Services 1604 682 17567 331
餐饮业 Catering Services 1054835 81310 1825355 1803554
 # 外商及港澳台投资  Enterprises with Funds from Foreign Countries,Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 853477 66628 1442458 1424311
  正 餐  Dinner 216074 12232 324512 323749
  快 餐  Snack 628694 59419 1125584 1109174
  其 他  Others 210067 9659 375259 370630
注: “营业面积”指标,批发业和零售业反映年末零售营业面积数据,住宿业和餐饮业反映年末餐饮营业面积数据。“商品销售额(营业额)”指标,批发业和零售业反映商品销售额数据,住宿业和餐饮业反映
Note: "Business area" indicator reflects data on retail business area at the end of the year for wholesale and retail trade,and it reflects data on catering business area at the end of the year for accommodation and catering services. "
     Commodity sales (turnover)" indicator reflects the sales data of commodities for wholesale and retail trade, and it reflects the turnover data for accommodation and catering services.

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