14-9 续表2 continued
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项     目 Item 管理费用 营业利润 利润总额 本年应付职工薪酬 本年应交增值税
Management Business Total Total Wages Total Value-added
Cost Profit Profits Payable Payable Tax
总  计 Total 1539537 -221422 -167989 2053842 630030
 按登记注册类型分  Grouped by Registration Status           
  内资企业    Domestic-funded Enterprises 945709 -256545 -218019 1310779 408005
   国有企业     State-owned Enterprises 17339 4892 6706 27338 5193
   集体企业     Collective-owned Enterprises 2678 6837 6973 5680 2721
   股份合作企业     Share-holding Cooperative Enterprises 1081 2412 2414 1764 805
   联营企业     Joint-opeartion Enterprises 867 7395 7396 3273 1567
    国有联营企业       State-owned Joint-opeartion Enterprises 610 4487 4487 2307 1016
    集体联营企业       Collective Joint-opeartion Enterprises 227 963 964 384 198
    国有与集体联营企业       Joint State-collective Enterprises 30 1945 1945 582 353
    其他联营企业       Other Joint Ownership Enterprises          
   有限责任公司     Limited Liability Corporations      259585 -37254 -4818 474380 181934
    国有独资公司       State Sole Investment Corporations 15721 37189 42277 27966 5908
    其他有限责任公司       Other Limited Liability Corporations 243864 -74443 -47095 446414 176026
   股份有限公司     Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 33508 -77530 -78116 91071 40106
   私营企业     Private Enterprises           630651 -163297 -158574 707273 175679
    私营独资企业       Private Sole Investment Enterprises 4707 48 127 6059 1721
    私营合伙企业       Private Partnership Enterprises  954 411 415 1311 359
    私营有限责任公司       Private Limited Liability Corporations      609780 -168215 -160775 679969 170291
    私营股份有限公司       Private Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 15210 4459 1659 19934 3308
   其他企业     Other Enterprises          
  港、澳、台商投资企业    Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 340095 -2525 9570 434722 108771
   与港、澳、台商合资经营企业     Joint-venture Enterprises 103891 14478 18284 155967 37282
   与港、澳、台商合作经营企业     Cooperative Enterprises 1126 -962 -1081 3793 540
   港、澳、台商独资经营企业     Enterprises with Sole Funds 223558 -32648 -24283 254624 65156
   港、澳、台商投资股份有限公司     Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 11109 11419 11451 20185 4281
   其他港、澳、台投资企业     Other Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 411 5188 5199 153 1512
  外商投资企业    Foreign Funded Enterprises 253733 37648 40460 308341 113254
   中外合资经营企业     Joint-venture Enterprises 38196 11192 17615 112403 23627
   中外合作经营企业     Cooperative Enterprises          
   外资企业     Enterprises with Sole Foreign Funds 192339 73401 70031 163556 80646
   外商投资股份有限公司     Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 107 -275 -270 409 55
   其他外商投资企业     Other Foreign Funded Enterprises 23091 -46670 -46916 31973 8926
 按行业分  Grouped by Sector          
  综合零售    Integrated Retail 274748 -16583 -15817 411975 65095
  # 百货零售     Retail of General Merchandise 111476 20223 19170 184344 37517
   超级市场零售     Retail of Supermarket 65104 -23821 -18693 150944 15365
  食品、饮料及烟草制品专门零售    Retail of Food, Beverage and Tobacco 47913 4181 10561 66599 9352
  纺织、服装及日用品专门零售    Retail of Textile, Garments and Daily Articles Consumer 200962 -94736 -90599 274921 56901
  # 服装零售     Retail of Garments 134663 -14042 -12196 185491 31491
  文化、体育用品及器材专门零售    Retail of Cultural, Sports Appliances and Equipment 55965 25588 26590 97075 16943
  # 体育用品及器材零售     Retail of Sporting Goods and Equipment 3073 338 -46 3354 1260
   图书、报刊零售     Retail of Books and Newspapers 20056 1914 2985 25916 1571
  医药及医疗器材专门零售    Retail of Medicine and Medical Appliances 65890 -52587 -53901 123133 21499
  # 西药零售     Retail of Medicine 58016 -52004 -53071 115596 19449
    中药零售     Retail of Chinese Medicine 3577 -716 -659 4578 1101
  汽车、摩托车、零配件和燃料及其他动力设备零售    Retail of Motor Vehicles, Motorcycles, Fuels and Parts 359418 127294 137334 610906 204530
  # 汽车新车零售     Retail of Motor Vehicles 272994 108680 121617 434795 122812
   机动车燃油零售     Retail of Fuels for Motor Vehicles 69919 30482 27432 157129 79496
  家用电器及电子产品专门零售    Retail of Household Electrical Appliances and Electronic Products 62109 -30585 -30670 85916 15972
  # 家用视听设备零售     Retail of Household Audio and Video Equipment 1176 411 439 1900 1278
   日用家电零售     Retail of Household Electrical Appliances 22631 -27789 -28166 26308 4401
   计算机、软件及辅助设备零售     Retail of Computers, Software and Assistant Equipment 16267 -5622 -5585 37227 5323
   通信设备零售     Retail of Communication Equipment 15780 1262 1431 16168 3891
  五金、家具及室内装饰材料专门零售    Retail of Hardware, Furniture and Decoration Materials 30689 -11781 -11295 24730 3987
  货摊、无店铺及其他零售业    Retail of Booth and Others 441843 -172213 -140192 358587 235751
  # 互联网零售     E-Retail 433862 -172933 -141005 346604 233614

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