14-9 限额以上零售业法人企业财务状况(2021年)
Financial Situation of Enterprises above Designated Size in Retail Trade (2021)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项     目 Item 资产总计 固定资产原价 负债合计 所有者权益 营业收入
Total Original Total Owners' Revenue from
Assets Value of Liabilities Equity Principal
  Fixed Assets     Business
总  计 Total 23874481 2728700 17774867 6099614 47897413
 按登记注册类型分  Grouped by Registration Status           
  内资企业    Domestic-funded Enterprises 16582759 1878050 12391896 4190863 34203119
   国有企业     State-owned Enterprises 118739 12953 70490 48249 219217
   集体企业     Collective-owned Enterprises 76247 8340 49544 26703 143478
   股份合作企业     Share-holding Cooperative Enterprises 19296 5990 6362 12934 51566
   联营企业     Joint-opeartion Enterprises 29196 6044 17815 11381 105430
    国有联营企业       State-owned Joint-opeartion Enterprises 22582 3583 15756 6826 74591
    集体联营企业       Collective Joint-opeartion Enterprises 2124 972 1374 750 14393
    国有与集体联营企业       Joint State-collective Enterprises 4490 1489 685 3805 16446
    其他联营企业       Other Joint Ownership Enterprises          
   有限责任公司     Limited Liability Corporations      7112110 1007425 5519773 1592337 16864093
    国有独资公司       State Sole Investment Corporations 509857 35832 223332 286525 401335
    其他有限责任公司       Other Limited Liability Corporations 6602253 971593 5296441 1305812 16462758
   股份有限公司     Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 2044901 323439 158838 1886063 3672588
   私营企业     Private Enterprises           7182270 513859 6569074 613196 13146747
    私营独资企业       Private Sole Investment Enterprises 52559 1687 53195 -636 108236
    私营合伙企业       Private Partnership Enterprises  14411 968 11431 2980 43378
    私营有限责任公司       Private Limited Liability Corporations      6891196 496336 6356354 534842 12557408
    私营股份有限公司       Private Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 224104 14868 148094 76010 437725
   其他企业     Other Enterprises          
  港、澳、台商投资企业    Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 3049615 305101 1832487 1217128 7488791
   与港、澳、台商合资经营企业     Joint-venture Enterprises 677003 114290 477089 199914 1787063
   与港、澳、台商合作经营企业     Cooperative Enterprises 20898 4190 20789 109 35078
   港、澳、台商独资经营企业     Enterprises with Sole Funds 1906115 152150 1177249 728866 5470130
   港、澳、台商投资股份有限公司     Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 242564 34079 70595 171969 89319
   其他港、澳、台投资企业     Other Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 203035 392 86765 116270 107201
  外商投资企业    Foreign Funded Enterprises 4242107 545549 3550484 691623 6205503
   中外合资经营企业     Joint-venture Enterprises 1465119 206529 1147861 317258 1592437
   中外合作经营企业     Cooperative Enterprises          
   外资企业     Enterprises with Sole Foreign Funds 2366983 291303 2197423 169560 4082332
   外商投资股份有限公司     Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 226   824 -598 1116
   其他外商投资企业     Other Foreign Funded Enterprises 409779 47717 204376 205403 529618
 按行业分  Grouped by Sector          
  综合零售   Integrated Retail 4093192 705593 3372090 721102 5035361
  # 百货零售    Retail of General Merchandise 2604340 352364 1823615 780725 2023102
   超级市场零售    Retail of Supermarket 1305243 281759 1283740 21503 2425535
  食品、饮料及烟草制品专门零售   Retail of Food, Beverage and Tobacco 839498 32342 716689 122809 703162
  纺织、服装及日用品专门零售   Retail of Textile, Garments and Daily Articles Consumer 2123140 136199 1717442 405698 2035315
  # 服装零售    Retail of Garments 1274127 93964 882428 391699 1208424
  文化、体育用品及器材专门零售   Retail of Cultural, Sports Appliances and Equipment 475660 61772 290708 184952 853212
  # 体育用品及器材零售    Retail of Sporting Goods and Equipment 31961 5228 27188 4773 41672
   图书、报刊零售    Retail of Books and Newspapers 217851 33345 121537 96314 193013
  医药及医疗器材专门零售   Retail of Medicine and Medical Appliances 679088 33150 629098 49990 1367594
  # 西药零售    Retail of Medicine 633058 30568 598328 34730 1303966
    中药零售    Retail of Chinese Medicine 28708 1391 20082 8626 32306
  汽车、摩托车、零配件和燃料及其他动力设备零售   Retail of Motor Vehicles, Motorcycles, Fuels and Parts 7930849 1045895 4602872 3327977 16981454
  # 汽车新车零售    Retail of Motor Vehicles 4815844 508844 3728140 1087704 12177557
   机动车燃油零售    Retail of Fuels for Motor Vehicles 2876231 495473 685483 2190748 4464694
  家用电器及电子产品专门零售   Retail of Household Electrical Appliances and Electronic Products 1979171 42190 1787417 191754 1987407
  # 家用视听设备零售    Retail of Household Audio and Video Equipment 33171 2690 29277 3894 77150
   日用家电零售    Retail of Household Electrical Appliances 1544725 25463 1425567 119158 1216679
   计算机、软件及辅助设备零售    Retail of Computers, Software and Assistant Equipment 230386 6867 189536 40850 291133
   通信设备零售    Retail of Communication Equipment 124100 4203 113287 10813 341264
  五金、家具及室内装饰材料专门零售   Retail of Hardware, Furniture and Decoration Materials 202784 79335 182485 20299 233268
  货摊、无店铺及其他零售业   Retail of Booth and Others 5551099 592224 4476066 1075033 18700640
  # 互联网零售    E-Retail 5504512 585835 4440387 1064125 18579893

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