14-8 续表2 continued
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项     目 Item 管理费用 营业利润 利润总额 本年应付职工薪酬 本年应交增值税
Management Business Total Total Wages Total Value-
Cost Profit Profits Payable added
        Payable Tax
总  计 Total 5130103 5667344 5769090 5950609 2466497
 按登记注册类型分   Grouped by Registration Status           
  内资企业    Domestic-funded Enterprises 4109501 3593151 3622869 4550060 1878655
   国有企业      State-owned Enterprises 80576 71233 80399 176090 36467
   集体企业      Collective-owned Enterprises 5893 158 3062 6471 1557
   股份合作企业      Share-holding Cooperative Enterprises 6189 5089 4889 6881 1597
   联营企业      Joint-opeartion Enterprises 6273 4338 3799 9137 86
    国有联营企业        State-owned Joint-opeartion Enterprises 6273 4338 3799 9137 86
    集体联营企业        Collective Joint-opeartion Enterprises          
    国有与集体联营企业        Joint State-collective Enterprises          
    其他联营企业        Other Joint Ownership Enterprises          
   有限责任公司      Limited Liability Corporations      890433 2120558 2118423 1330295 701270
    国有独资公司        State Sole Investment Corporations 152902 349277 352707 211924 120565
    其他有限责任公司        Other Limited Liability Corporations 737531 1771281 1765716 1118371 580705
   股份有限公司      Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 279485 484604 494745 741692 238088
   私营企业      Private Enterprises           2836727 912840 923035 2262949 899336
    私营独资企业        Private Sole Investment Enterprises 26700 5420 5751 36162 7362
    私营合伙企业        Private Partnership Enterprises  6180 1644 1704 3749 1155
    私营有限责任公司        Private Limited Liability Corporations      2696550 747621 755178 2103010 862614
    私营股份有限公司        Private Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 107297 158155 160402 120028 28205
   其他企业      Other Enterprises 3925 -5669 -5483 16545 254
  港、澳、台商投资企业    Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 687521 900668 904736 945199 315696
   与港、澳、台商合资经营企业      Joint-venture Enterprises 44387 51386 47013 44620 68789
   与港、澳、台商合作经营企业      Cooperative Enterprises 2115 -1119 -1376 1649 271
   港、澳、台商独资经营企业      Enterprises with Sole Funds 632648 845394 853700 889337 243394
   港、澳、台商投资股份有限公司      Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 4585 189 508 3477 851
   其他港、澳、台投资企业      Other Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 3786 4818 4891 6116 2391
  外商投资企业    Foreign Funded Enterprises 333081 1173525 1241485 455350 272146
   中外合资经营企业      Joint-venture Enterprises 65779 865719 905673 167515 165932
   中外合作经营企业      Cooperative Enterprises 739 2381 2380 2292 827
   外资企业      Enterprises with Sole Foreign Funds 251431 259509 285763 256568 95707
   外商投资股份有限公司      Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 3277 56132 54788 8642 301
   其他外商投资企业      Other Foreign Funded Enterprises 11855 -10216 -7119 20333 9379
 按行业分   Grouped by Sector          
  农、林、牧产品批发    Wholesale of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry Products 125434 234134 246784 112832 17515
  食品、饮料及烟草制品批发    Wholesale of Food, Beverages and Tobacco Products 736915 595886 578146 868118 269582
  # 米、面制品及食用油批发     Wholesale of Rice, Flour and Edible Oil 58346 32032 14642 96298 11839
   烟草制品批发     Wholesale of Tobacco 50651 222934 222949 56669 64120
  纺织、服装及家庭用品批发    Wholesale of Textile, Garments and Daily Articles Consumer 1066793 309010 306906 1092557 388069
  # 服装批发     Wholesale of Garments 227703 120939 126446 188653 54452
   家用视听设备批发     Wholesale of Household Electrical Appliances 31028 12161 12210 30906 12277
  文化、体育用品及器材批发    Wholesale of Cultural, Sports Appliances and Equipment 333546 513448 528380 535691 88956
  医药及医疗器材批发    Wholesale of Medicine and Medical Appliances 739267 597020 593164 748305 379224
  矿产品、建材及化工产品批发    Wholesale of Mineral Products, Building Materials and Chemical Products 1205274 1459776 1548973 1519431 723179
  # 煤炭及制品批发     Wholesale of Coal and Related Products 59131 158924 163631 46046 69962
   石油及制品批发     Wholesale of Petroleum and Related Products 194708 575100 621399 659648 247664
   金属及金属矿批发     Wholesale of Metal Minerals 297246 114278 139140 224294 118424
   建材批发     Wholesale of Building Materials 184329 167890 164129 225877 109327
   化肥批发     Wholesale of Chemical Fertilizers 18681 10556 11191 17312 2505
  机械设备、五金产品及电子产品批发    Wholesale of Mechanical Equipment, Metal Products and Electronic Products 834164 1928092 1934408 999106 560072
  # 汽车及零配件批发     Wholesale of Automobile 201722 1583327 1584455 353853 345474
   摩托车及零配件批发     Wholesale of Motorcycles and Accessories 12472 1732 1989 7276 3848
   计算机、软件及辅助设备批发     Wholesale of Computers, Software and Assistant Appliances 107879 37687 39554 98625 33513
  贸易经纪与代理    Trade Broker and Agency 10868 4832 5223 9635 10044
  其他批发业    Other Wholesales Trades 77842 25146 27106 64934 29856

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