14-8 限额以上批发业法人企业财务状况(2021年)
Financial Situation of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale Trade (2021)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项     目 Item 资产总计 固定资产原价 负债合计 所有者权益 营业收入
Total Original Total Owners' Revenue from
Assets Value of Liabilities Equity Principal Business
  Fixed Assets      
总  计 Total 168961400 8459509 125692482 43268918 459645263
 按登记注册类型分  Grouped by Registration Status          
  内资企业    Domestic-funded Enterprises 144215490 7288516 108337115 35878375 402848745
   国有企业     State-owned Enterprises 6414787 636736 3885627 2529160 9875041
   集体企业     Collective-owned Enterprises 90727 21978 58197 32530 106975
   股份合作企业     Share-holding Cooperative Enterprises 98380 10465 66046 32334 192561
   联营企业     Joint-opeartion Enterprises 199097 40336 98920 100177 150942
    国有联营企业       State-owned Joint-opeartion Enterprises 199097 40336 98920 100177 150942
    集体联营企业       Collective Joint-opeartion Enterprises          
    国有与集体联营企业       Joint State-collective Enterprises          
    其他联营企业       Other Joint Ownership Enterprises          
   有限责任公司     Limited Liability Corporations 59446121 1722147 44106588 15339533 150724815
    国有独资公司       State Sole Investment Corporations 7804237 292076 5719319 2084918 23148167
    其他有限责任公司       Other Limited Liability Corporations 51641884 1430071 38387269 13254615 127576648
   股份有限公司     Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 17917173 3083010 11147120 6770053 51004096
   私营企业     Private Enterprises 59962321 1770170 48944424 11017897 190676377
    私营独资企业       Private Sole Investment Enterprises 518432 6101 472139 46293 1161839
    私营合伙企业       Private Partnership Enterprises 80162 812 72369 7793 302372
    私营有限责任公司       Private Limited Liability Corporations 57490304 1669435 47465329 10024975 187135245
    私营股份有限公司       Private Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 1873423 93822 934587 938836 2076921
   其他企业     Other Enterprises 86884 3674 30193 56691 117938
  港、澳、台商投资企业    Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 13720819 439192 9347923 4372896 28693595
   与港、澳、台商合资经营企业     Joint-venture Enterprises 2672992 91385 2327305 345687 5810687
   与港、澳、台商合作经营企业     Cooperative Enterprises 13295 527 14904 -1609 15936
   港、澳、台商独资经营企业     Enterprises with Sole Funds 10895738 335107 6925538 3970200 22731888
   港、澳、台商投资股份有限公司     Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 99884 2927 67284 32600 63589
   其他港、澳、台投资企业     Other Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 38910 9246 12892 26018 71495
  外商投资企业    Foreign Funded Enterprises 11025091 731801 8007444 3017647 28102923
   中外合资经营企业     Joint-venture Enterprises 4481804 595245 3464260 1017544 17484129
   中外合作经营企业     Cooperative Enterprises 6167 38 4366 1801 28504
   外资企业     Enterprises with Sole Foreign Funds 5386570 131929 3857846 1528724 9961535
   外商投资股份有限公司     Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 730474 2570 338491 391983 162296
   其他外商投资企业     Other Foreign Funded Enterprises 420076 2019 342481 77595 466459
 按行业分  Grouped by Sector          
  农、林、牧产品批发   Wholesale of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry Products 6759419 147973 4416612 2342807 9090176
  食品、饮料及烟草制品批发   Wholesale of Food, Beverages and Tobacco Products 13010850 1057313 8853244 4157606 23297819
  # 米、面制品及食用油批发    Wholesale of Rice, Flour and Edible Oil 2675741 458648 1797463 878278 2974704
   烟草制品批发    Wholesale of Tobacco 574814 74950 117053 457761 1737905
  纺织、服装及家庭用品批发   Wholesale of Textile, Garments and Daily Articles Consumer 16762971 698285 12542461 4220510 22771019
  # 服装批发     Wholesale of Garments 2759916 134374 1952462 807454 3010602
   家用视听设备批发     Wholesale of Household Electrical Appliances 764585 20143 593537 171048 1282857
  文化、体育用品及器材批发   Wholesale of Cultural, Sports Appliances and Equipment 6884019 263961 3714316 3169703 15225508
  医药及医疗器材批发   Wholesale of Medicine and Medical Appliances 15366343 569998 11497018 3869325 25833517
  矿产品、建材及化工产品批发   Wholesale of Mineral Products, Building Materials and Chemical Products 79770983 4475845 59547408 20223575 288145302
  # 煤炭及制品批发    Wholesale of Coal and Related Products 3668014 269743 2414861 1253153 14712773
   石油及制品批发    Wholesale of Petroleum and Related Products 15720604 3181242 10807455 4913149 67779768
   金属及金属矿批发    Wholesale of Metal Minerals 39848454 372002 30910048 8938406 158404409
   建材批发    Wholesale of Building Materials 9931640 191912 8585851 1345789 15018375
   化肥批发    Wholesale of Chemical Fertilizers 756710 13417 621436 135274 1356764
  机械设备、五金产品及电子产品批发   Wholesale of Mechanical Equipment, Metal Products and Electronic Products 28613618 1162649 23662856 4950762 71862151
  # 汽车及零配件批发    Wholesale of Automobile 17342792 420228 14933226 2409566 47907121
   摩托车及零配件批发    Wholesale of Motorcycles and Accessories 115207 6575 94034 21173 296366
   计算机、软件及辅助设备批发    Wholesale of Computers, Software and Assistant Appliances 2096213 72104 1728994 367219 5975732
  贸易经纪与代理   Trade Broker and Agency 173331 20928 116353 56978 528994
  其他批发业   Other Wholesales Trades 1619866 62557 1342214 277652 2890777

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