14-6 限额以上批发业法人企业商品购、销、存总额(2021年)
Total Purchases, Sales and Stock of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale Trade (2021)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项     目 Item 购进总额   销售总额     年末库存
Total # 进 口 Total 批 发 额 零 售 额 Stock at
Purchase Imports Sales Wholesale Retail Year-end
Value Value Value Value Value  
合  计 Wholesale Trade 489221056 17440670 499821256 493462739 6358517 19766098
 # 国有及国有控股   State-owned and State-controlled Enterprises 201497877 7289727 195388644 194671157 717487 6395506
 按登记注册类型分  By Status of Registration             
  内资企业  Domestic-funded Enterprises 431199023 10968992 435178643 431284753 3893890 16024631
   国有企业   State-owned Enterprises 11007346 718000 11114899 11094456 20443 1259073
   集体企业   Collective-owned Enterprises 76300   77972 77544 428 5337
   股份合作企业   Cooperative Enterprises 192822 3618 213138 208265 4873 12318
   联营企业   Joint Ownership Enterprises 187753 772 187101 187089 12 15726
    国有联营企业     State Joint Ownership Enterprises 187753 772 187101 187089 12 15726
    集体联营企业     Collective Joint Ownership Enterprises            
    国有与集体联营企业     Joint State-collective Enterprises            
    其他联营企业     Other Joint Ownership Enterprise            
   有限责任公司   Limited Liability Corporations 160958264 4230939 168884510 167258469 1626041 4617946
    国有独资企业     State Sole Funded Corporations 24706437 827830 26364045 26303220 60825 656550
    其他有限责任公司     Other Limited Liability Corporations 136251827 3403109 142520465 140955249 1565216 3961396
   股份有限公司   Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 54858983 477843 42355777 42301348 54429 1644785
   私营企业   Private Enterprises 203806823 5537820 212211323 210023659 2187664 8436817
    私营独资企业     Private-funded Enterprises 1190914 27010 1288604 1272104 16500 70621
    私营合伙企业     Private Partnership Enterprises 315381 4800 336903 335408 1495 26842
    私营有限责任公司     Private Limited Liability Corporations 200294772 5436758 208343904 206476559 1867345 8090253
    私营股份有限公司     Private Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 2005756 69252 2241912 1939588 302324 249101
   其他企业   Other Enterprises 110732   133923 133923   32629
  港、澳、台商投资企业  Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 27808553 2808830 31743703 30844782 898921 2754578
   与港、澳、台商合资经营企业   Joint-venture Enterprises 6271718 1720325 6484738 6468569 16169 570623
   与港、澳、台商合作经营企业   Cooperative Enterprises 14248 96 16466 16466   2196
   港、澳、台商独资经营企业   Enterprises with Sole Funds 21420572 1083714 25120051 24238295 881756 2160823
   港、澳、台商投资股份有限公司   Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 57011   68302 67306 996 17658
   其他港、澳、台投资企业   Other Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 45004 4695 54146 54146   3278
  外商投资企业  Foreign Funded Enterprises 30213480 3662848 32898910 31333204 1565706 986889
   中外合资经营企业   Joint-venture Enterprises 19872229 877282 21372167 19873519 1498648 253130
   中外合作经营企业   Cooperative Enterprises 16215   31640 31640   3572
   外资企业   Enterprises with Sole Foreign Funds 9700931 2773214 10812135 10746701 65434 711398
   外商投资股份有限公司   Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 165742   166828 166828   39
   其他外商投资企业   Other Foreign Funded Enterprises 458363 12352 516140 514516 1624 18750
 按国民经济行业分组  By Economic Sector            
  农、林、牧产品批发   Wholesale of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry Products 9606865 1377327 9772832 9747292 25540 644974
  食品、饮料及烟草制品批发   Wholesale of Food, Beverages and Tobacco Products 22208606 1514141 25211231 24713935 497296 2579207
  # 米、面制品及食用油批发    Wholesale of Rice, Flour and Edible Oil 3152094 119358 3127936 3120682 7254 803449
   烟草制品批发    Wholesale of Tobacco 1361420 21193 1960272 1959943 329 52543
  纺织、服装及家庭用品批发   Wholesale of Textile, Clothing and Household Goods 21074147 997863 24789168 23388646 1400522 2233283
  # 服装批发    Wholesale of Garments 2715017 90234 3221418 3010579 210839 413983
   家用视听设备批发    Wholesale of Household Electrical Appliances 1343564 68464 1395582 1332169 63413 130338
  文化、体育用品及器材批发   Wholesale of Cultural, Sports Appliances and Equipment 15071546 184136 16812393 16156245 656148 1580064
  医药及医疗器材批发   Wholesale of Medicine and Medical Appliances 26451618 2562457 29200888 28685945 514943 3102912
  矿产品、建材及化工产品批发   Wholesale of Mineral Products, Building Materials and Chemical Products 317292791 7766786 309999911 307908628 2091283 7065996
  # 煤炭及制品批发    Wholesale of Coal and Related Products 16379709 1420982 16666857 16666857   395334
   石油及制品批发    Wholesale of Petroleum and Related Products 73948823 2101221 62103257 60278357 1824900 1784062
   金属及金属矿批发    Wholesale of Metal Minerals 177129572 2135320 178369553 178181825 187728 2548238
   建材批发    Wholesale of Building Materials 15663664 144063 16751280 16730297 20983 845606
   化肥批发    Wholesale of Chemical Fertilizers 1418903 49195 1472271 1472042 229 104979
  机械设备、五金产品及电子产品批发   Wholesale of Mechanical Equipment, Metal Products and Electronic Products 74101577 2699962 80337020 79225570 1111450 2377573
  # 汽车及零配件批发     Wholesale of Automobile and Automobile Accessories 49628982 606729 54117891 53602668 515223 787429
   摩托车及零配件批发    Wholesale of Motorcycles and Accessories 285409 1054 307303 302736 4567 12125
   计算机、软件及辅助设备批发    Wholesale of Computers, Software and Assistant Equipments 6317844 920574 6548499 6169137 379362 392783
  贸易经纪与代理    Trade Broker and Agency 526641 41587 559073 553047 6026 17871
  其他批发业   Wholesale of Other Trades 2887265 296411 3138740 3083431 55309 164218

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