14-5 限额以上批发和零售业法人企业商品分类销售总额(2021年)
Total Sales Value of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Trade by Category of Commodities (2021)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项   目 Item Total Sales 批 发 额 零 售 额
    Value Wholesale Value Retail Value
合  计 Total 552073658 498817875 53255783
粮油、食品类 Grain and Oil 22669682 17994880 4674802
# 肉禽蛋类  Meat, Poultry and Eggs 2843853 2472808 371045
饮料类 Beverages 4484500 3200684 1283816
烟酒类 Tobacco and Liquor 4780292 3862747 917545
服装鞋帽、针、纺织品类 Garments, Footwear, Headgear, Knitwear and Textiles 18939729 14716112 4223617
 服装类  Clothing 13054275 9866504 3187771
 鞋帽类  Footwear and Headgear 3628243 2830959 797284
 针、纺织品类  Knitwear and Textiles 2257211 2018649 238562
化妆品类 Cosmetics 5286564 2827519 2459045
金银珠宝类 Gold, Silver and Jewelry 3926732 2468298 1458434
日用品类 Daily-Use Articles 11039171 7701187 3337984
# 可穿戴智能设备类  Wearable intelligent device 26993 17309 9684
五金、电料类 Hardware and Electrical Materials 2280878 2156117 124761
体育、娱乐用品类 Sports and Recreation Articles 2378637 1192450 1186187
书报杂志类 Newspapers and Magazines 1276222 892618 383604
电子出版物及音像制品类 E-journal and Video Products 35538 33278 2260
家用电器和音像器材类 Household Appliances and Video Appliances 10030033 7264013 2766020
中西药品类 Traditional Chinese and Western Medicines 26443839 21900582 4543257
# 西 药  Western Medicines 19827027 16376833 3450194
 中草药及中成药  Traditional Chinese Medicines 4028334 3668861 359473
文化办公用品类 Cultural and Office Goods 10540922 8330566 2210356
家具类 Furniture 2037208 1716122 321086
通讯器材类 Communication Appliances 6395035 1656928 4738107
煤炭及制品类 Coal and Related Products 17379253 17379253  
木材及制品类 Wood and Wooden Products 2869080 2869080  
石油及制品类 Petroleum and Related Products 60700958 56820202 3880756
化工材料及制品类 Chemical Materials and Related Products 38286544 38286544  
# 化肥类  Chemical Fertilizers 1335545 1335545  
金属材料类 Metal Materials 186211252 186211252  
建筑及装潢材料类 Building and Decoration Materials 10993101 10808707 184394
机电产品及设备类 Mechanical and Electrical Products 11494589 11365854 128735
# 农机类  Agricultural Machinery 122454 122454  
汽车类 Motor Vehicles 69714291 55811625 13902666
种子饲料类 Seeds and Feedstuff 4661728 4661728  
棉麻类 Cotton and Hemp 1965974 1965974  
其他类 Others 15251906 14723555 528351

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