14-3 各时期社会消费品零售总额
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods in Different Periods
时 期 Period 社会消费品零售 按行业分  By Sector
总额(万元) 批发和零售业 住宿和餐饮业 其他行业  
Total Retail Sales Wholesale Hotels and Others # 制造业
of Consumer Goods and Retail Catering   Manufac-
(10000 yuan) Trades Services   turing
“六五”时期 6th Five-year Plan Period 2459903 1775024 260620 424259 222331
“七五”时期 7th Five-year Plan Period 5978373 3847414 892809 1238150 388958
“八五”时期 8th Five-year Plan Period 17176997 11448309 2282715 3445973 980996
“九五”时期 9th Five-year Plan Period 43655640 31634329 5545520 6475791 2550390
“十五”时期 10th Five-year Plan Period 72138187 59891187 9365446 2881554 993767
“十一五”时期 11th Five-year Plan Period 141707217 127317090 14390127    
“十二五”时期 12th Five-year Plan Period 280808784 253134978 27673806    
“十三五”时期 13th Five-year Plan Period 433337942 395577219 37760723    
1979-2021年 1979-2021 1098986764 978267202 106194616    
2012-2021年 2012-2021 771699490 702740232 68959258    
2017-2021年 2017-2021 458943284 420253713 38689571    

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