13-17 续表 continued
项  目     Item          
        轮 渡 出租汽车 轨道交通
        Ferries Cabs Track Traffic
营运车、船数    (辆、艘)   Number of Vehicles and Vessels                      (unit)   43 21898 3388
营运车船客位数     (个)   Seat for Vehicles and Vessels for Business Transportation  (seat)   8715 87592 865593
营运线路条数      (条)   Lines Used by Public Traffic for Business Transportation   (line)   14   17
营运线路长度     (公里)   Length of Public Traffic                             (km)   55   611
客运量       (万人次)   Number of Passenger Traffic            (10000 person-times)   1165 46102 284054
客运收入       (万元)   Revenue of Passenger Transport                (10000 yuan)   1451 582801 530281
每辆汽、电车负担人数  (人)   Number of Passengers per Bus and Trolley            (person)        
Notes: I. The data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Municipal Transportation Burea,etc.
     II. Seats of vehicles and vessels for business tran-sportation are caculated by the number of passengers authorized on the driving license.

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