13-17 城市公共交通(2021年)
Public Traffic in City (2021)
项  目   Item   合 计    
    Total 汽 车 电 车
      Buses Trolleys
营运车、船数    (辆、艘)   Number of Vehicles and Vessels                      (unit)   40901 15299 273
营运车船客位数     (个)   Seat for Vehicles and Vessels for Business Transportation  (seat)   1994335 1009708 22727
营运线路条数      (条)   Lines Used by Public Traffic for Business Transportation   (line)   1335 1290 14
营运线路长度     (公里)   Length of Public Traffic                             (km)   24693 23838 189
客运量       (万人次)   Number of Passenger Traffic            (10000 person-times)   466530 132567 2642
客运收入       (万元)   Revenue of Passenger Transport                (10000 yuan)   1291318 173854 2931
每辆汽、电车负担人数  (人)   Number of Passengers per Bus and Trolley            (person)   650    

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