13-11 港口吞吐量及货物分类 (2021年)
Volume Handled in Ports and Type of Freight (2021)
单位:万吨 (10000 tons)
项  目 Item 合 计     #沿海港口    
Total 出 港 进 港 Coastal 出 港 进 港
  Out-port In-port Harbour Out-port In-port
货物吞吐量    Volume of Freight Handled           65130.39 27919.99 37210.40 62367.47 27335.78 35031.69
 外 贸      Foreign Trade 15916.81 5473.97 10442.84 15794.72 5433.81 10360.91
 内 贸      Inland Trade 49213.58 22446.02 26767.56 46572.75 21901.97 24670.78
货物分类     Type of Freight             
 煤炭及制品    Coal and Related Products 7894.48 3012.36 4882.12 7588.84 3012.36 4576.48
 石油、天然气及制品  Petroleum, Natural Gas and Related Products 2789.66 1126.97 1662.69 2676.74 1118.33 1558.41
 # 原 油     Crude Oil                         0 0 0 0 0 0
 金属矿石     Metal Ores 586.81 18.36 568.45 581.00 18.36 562.64
 钢 铁      Steel and Iron 3143.29 858.09 2285.20 3058.09 832.64 2225.45
 矿建材料  Mineral Building Materials 7694.39 2933.77 4760.62 6935.38 2916.58 4018.80
 水 泥      Cement 402.48 223.67 178.81 138.54 68.96 69.58
 木 材      Timber 406.73 126.65 280.08 405.63 126.65 278.98
 非金属矿石      Nonmetal Ores 247.01 35.30 211.71 149.68 35.30 114.38
 化肥及农药  Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides 26.62 15.82 10.80 24.20 15.82 8.38
 盐        Salt 8.27 0.01 8.26 8.27 0.01 8.26
 粮 食      Grain 4499.17 1564.38 2934.79 4234.04 1553.81 2680.23
 机械、设备、电器    Machinery, Equipment and Electric Appliance 3978.31 1933.91 2044.40 3933.56 1899.69 2033.87
 化工原料及制品  Chemical Raw Materials and Related Products 1159.93 158.07 1001.86 897.26 155.39 741.87
 有色金属     Nonferrous Metals 89.34 17.40 71.94 89.34 17.40 71.94
 轻工、医药产品  Light Industry, Medical and Pharmacestical Products 1353.11 489.88 863.23 1293.75 481.84 811.91
 农林牧渔业产品  Agricultural, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Products 382.19 98.34 283.85 313.66 36.32 277.34
 其 他  Others 30468.60 14092.01 15161.59 30039.49 15046.32 14993.17
Note: The data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Port Bureau.

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