13-9 输油(气)管道基本情况(2021年)
Basic Statistics on Pipelines (2021)
项    目   Item   合 计      
    Total #输成品油管道 输入天燃气体管道 输其他气体管道
      Refined Oil Natural Gas Others Gas
      Pipelines Pipelines Pipelines
条 数        (条)   Number Of Pipelines           (unit)   32 18 3 11
输油(气)里程     (公里)   Length Of Pipelines            (km)   1175.49 57.07 1057.00 61.42
延展长度      (公里)   Extension Length of Pipelines    (km)   1175.49 57.07 1057.00 61.42
输油(气)能力       (万吨/年、千万立方米/年)   Capacity of Pipeline Traffic          (10000 ton/year, 10 million cu.m/year)   6630.76 4023.28 1620.00 987.48
输油(气)量      (万吨)   Pipeline Traffic         (10000 tons)   1796.62 632.65 952.06 211.91
输油(气)周转量  (万吨公里)   Ton-kilometers       (10000 ton-km)   176821.62 2963.51 172737.39 1120.72
Note: The data in this table are provided by Sinopec Guangzhou Branch.

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