13-8 白云国际机场吞吐量
Volume Handled in Baiyun International Airport
项  目   Item   2020 2021
飞机起降架次     (万次)   Number of Aircrafts Taking off and Landing   (10000 times)   37.34 36.25
 进 港            Landing                                          18.67 18.12
 出 港            Taking off                                        18.67 18.13
旅客吞吐量     (万人次)   Volume of Passengers Handled        (10000 person-times)   4376 4026
 进 港            Landing                                          2204 2004
 出 港            Taking off                                        2172 2022
货邮行吞吐量     (万吨)   Volume of Freight Handled                  (10000 ton)   200.20 224.15
 进 港            Landing                                          84.11 88.94
 出 港            Taking off                                        116.09 135.21
航线条数        (条)   Number of Civil Aviation Routes                   (line)   324 290
 国际航线           International Routes                                 102 66
 国内航线           Domestic Routes                                   222 224
 # 地区航线           Regional Routes                                   4 2
国外通航国家和地区   (个)   Foreign Countries and Regions Linked with Civil Aviation Routes (unit)   48 48
通航城市           Cities Linked with Civil Aviation Routes                  202 183
 # 国外通航城市         Foreign Cities Linked with Civil Aviation Routes           78 51
Note: The data in this table are provided by Baiyun International Airport.

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