13-5 续表 continued
  港口货物吞吐量   机场旅客吞吐量 机场货邮行吞吐量 邮电业务收入
  (万吨)   (万人次) (万吨) (万元)
年 份 Volume of # 集装箱 Volume of Passenger Volume of Freight Revenue of Postal
Year Freight   Handled Mail and Luggage and Telecommun-
  Handled Container in Airport Handled in Airport ication Services
  (10000 tons)
(10000 persontimes) (10000 tons) (10000 yuan)
1978 1950   66   2357
1980 2107   131 3 3631
1985 3700   290 6 9927
1986 3954   389 7 12744
1987 4561   505 10 19822
1988 5115 115 542 11 28482
1989 5106 103 485 11 38605
1990 5099 107 605 12 55960
1991 5657 161 745 15 79642
1992 6477 168 902 17 121473
1993 7610 177 927 19 180606
1994 8121 231 1070 23 270330
1995 8340 440 1257 28 380323
1996 8510 485 1264 32 528343
1997 8390 599 1251 35 687781
1998 8716 789 1241 41 841107
1999 11336 1355 1190 45 981527
2000 12455 1699 1279 49 1384846
2001 13539 2633 1384 53 1515282
2002 16772 3255 1601 59 1751392
2003 19200 4161 1501 54 1851326
2004 23887 4734 2033 63 2108788
2005 27283 6672 2340 75 2220589
2006 32816 9493 2622 82 2307436
2007 37053 13298 3096 90 2478199
2008 36954 15172 3344 93 2663183
2009 37549 15383 3705 122 2680007
2010 42526 18070 4098 145 2900942
2011 44770 20682 4504 153 3123440
2012 45125 21338 4831 163 3373039
2013 47267 23053 5246 173 4585063
2014 50097 24297 5479 190 5052592
2015 52096 26026 5521 200 5400082
2016 54437 27799 5974 216 6352822
2017 59012 30002 6584 234 7560250
2018 55669 32829 6974 249 8778953
2019 62687 33980 7339 255 10450611
2020 63643 33695 4377 200 11144378
2021 65130 35674 4026 224 12225208

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