13-5 主要年份客货运输(吞吐量)和邮电业务收入
Total Passenger and Freight Traffic and Revenue of Postal and  Telecommunication Services in Main Years
  客运量 旅客周转量 货运量 货物周转量 港口旅客吞吐量
(万人次) (万人公里) (万吨) (万吨公里) (万人次)
  Passenger Passenger- Freight Freight Volume of Passenger
Year Traffic kilometers Traffic Tonkilometers Handled in Coastal Ports
  (10000 persontimes) (10000 passengerkm) (10000 tons) (10000 ton-km) (10000 persontimes)
1978         433
1980         489
1985 11653 1017045 18233 15653824 514
1986 10985 1090054 15439 16584196 788
1987 9152 1158152 18947 17143674 742
1988 10290 1340611 21390 18968882 765
1989 9051 1269994 18397 20193670 610
1990 9461 1340608 17842 21417482 531
1991 9996 1574625 19535 26703071 485
1992 12459 1897547 22562 28156518 484
1993 15988 2198885 24818 29564344 447
1994 17307 2202816 26461 35696673 406
1995 16107 2227019 26992 39618131 343
1996 15638 2066438 23315 30739572 233
1997 17725 2417966 23768 30573646 134
1998 19587 2563072 24443 26210641 91
1999 22007 2799796 24238 20924658 153
2000 26097 4533805 27972 22660161 134
2001 27461 4986901 28248 23370862 135
2002 30084 5570611 28496 22346711 135
2003 30546 5408605 29309 25104134 112
2004 36941 8557982 35700 27833246 119
2005 40524 9750755 38153 27240509 99
2006 43777 10915614 42759 27954630 98
2007 51180 12906006 45852 24706845 111
2008 55385 13752318 49586 24620645 90
2009 57053 14538626 52525 21762287 78
2010 62595 16936472 57369 24508491 79
2011 67756 18790926 64929 28611908 80
2012 76070 20746062 76100 49383911 75
2013 89269 22776307 89099 68224384 77
2014 98062 24996168 96553 86335522 71
2015 106082 26681268 100124 90504153 61
2016 45823 21698556 107992 153864229 87
2017 45279 19990354 117429 212596804 92
2018 48048 21950302 127752 214871658 101
2019 49819 23760253 95032 214726541 78
2020 32702 12572814 92458 216197515 8
2021 21733 11495962 98175 218870082 4
Note: According to the requirements of the transportation department, Guangzhou Transportation Bureau has adjusted the statistical caliber of highway passenger and freight volume, passenger and freight turnover since 2021. 
    From 2021, the passenger volume of water transport includes night travelers on the Pearl River.

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