13-4 营业性民用运输轮驳船拥有量
Possession of Business Civil Transport Vessels
项   目   Item   2020 2021
机动船      Motor Vessels                     
 艘数        (艘)    Number of  Motor Vessels    (unit)   1501 1438
 # 客船       (艘)     Passenger Vessels          (unit)   78 79
  货船       (艘)     Cargo Vessels             (unit)   1423 1345
 载客量      (客位)    Passenger Capacity          (seat)   17833 18629
 净载重量     (吨位)    Dead Weight Tonnage        (ton)   39856895 41184737
 总功率      (千瓦)    Total Power                 (kw)   4883049 5305409
驳 船      Barges                           
 艘数        (艘)    Number of Barges           (unit)   2 4
 净载重量     (吨位)     Dead Weight Tonnage       (ton)   8411 23347
Note: The data in this table are provided by Guangzhou Port Authority.

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