12-1 资质以上建筑业企业主要经济指标
Major Indicators of Grade Construction Enterprises
项    目     Item     2020 2021
建筑企业个数        (个)   Number of Construction Enterprises                 (unit)   1639 2011
年末从业人员        (人)   Number of Employed Persons at Year-end          (person)   872293 883990
固定资产原价       (亿元)   Original Value of Fixed Assets           (100 million yuan)   431 460
建筑业总产值       (万元)   Gross Output Value of Construction           (10000 yuan)   59572284 70602320
# 建筑工程               Output Value of Construction                         53467422 63548164
 安装工程              Output Value of Installation                           4557853 5033879
房屋建筑施工面积    (万平方米)   Floor Space of Buildings under Construction    (10000 sq.m)   35103.93 39221.96
# 新开工                Floor Space Started in Current Year                     9849.56 8948.23
房屋建筑竣工面积    (万平方米)   Floor Space of Buildings Completed          (10000 sq.m)   4420.81 5231.54
# 住 宅                Residential Buildings                                3155.63 3559.13
主营业务收入       (万元)   Income on Projects Settlement Account        (10000 yuan)   67445460 76375199
主营业务成本       (万元)   Cost on Projects Settlement Account          (10000 yuan)   63108388 71496844
利润总额         (万元)   Total Profits                             (10000 yuan)   1508629 1394203
Note: The statistical scope of this table covers legal construction enterprises with general contracting and professional contracting.

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