11-26 规模以上先进制造业和高技术制造业工业总产值(按区域分)
Total Industrial Output Value of the City's Advanced and High-tech Manufacturing
Industries above the Designated Size (by District)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
地  区 District 先进制造业 高技术制造业
Advanced Manufacturing High-Tech Manufacturing
2020 2021 2020 2021
总 计  Total 115974141 131833229 29989975 35332870
 荔湾区   Liwan 634495 698724 627203 687550
 越秀区   Yuexiu 12181 13547 5524 7826
 海珠区   Haizhu 666400 728431 532239 489861
 天河区   Tianhe 833347 963076 857146 569755
 白云区   Baiyun 4430608 5146550 878970 1147169
 黄埔区   Huangpu 50365619 56339332 21138721 24124099
 番禺区   Panyu 9621313 11685373 1685532 2191109
 花都区   Huadu 21484363 21469040 1414650 1980038
 南沙区   Nansha 21124901 25972622 1692565 2014299
 从化区   Conghua 1816586 2012974 332302 334290
 增城区   Zengcheng 4984327 6803561 825123 1786875

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