11-21 规模以上工业企业主要经济效益指标(2021年,按轻重工业分)
Main Indicators on Economic Benefit of Industrial Enterprises above the Designated Size (2021, by Light and Heavy Industry)
项     目   Item   全 市 # 中央企业 # 地方企业
    Total Central Enterprises Local Enterprises
    轻工业 重工业 轻工业 重工业 轻工业 重工业
    Light Industry Heavy Industry Light Industry Heavy Industry Light Industry Heavy Industry
工业经济效益综合指数         (%)   Industrial Economic Benefit Synthetic                                  (%)   293.40 383.79 3568.59 723.05 265.81 367.46
总资产贡献率             (%)   Ratio of Total Assets to Industrial Output Value                          (%)   14.31 9.20 65.01 5.21 11.84 11.08
资本保值增值率            (%)   Ratio of Capital Maintenance and Appreciation                           (%)   109.59 106.60 98.41 101.69 110.55 109.38
资产负债率              (%)   Assets-Liability Ratio                                               (%)   50.41 58.37 21.66 60.05 51.76 57.42
流动资产周转率            (次)   Number of Times of Annual of Turnover Working Capitals               (times)   1.46 1.77 1.26 1.36 1.47 1.86
工业成本费用利润率          (%)   Ratio of Profits to Industrial Cost                                     (%)   8.70 6.24 20.55 5.99 8.47 6.28
工业全员劳动生产率        (元/人)   Overall Labor Productivity                                   (yuan/person)   296485 472497 5474419 1055744 259699 437018
工业产品销售率            (%)   Proportion of Products Sold                                          (%)   96.90 96.07 103.95 88.27 96.57 97.40
工业资金利税率            (%)   Ratio of Pre-tax Profits to Total Capital                                 (%)   16.46 11.82 76.24 11.04 13.52 12.00
营业收入利润率            (%)   Ratio of Business Revenue                                           (%)   7.93 5.85 8.16 5.52 7.91 5.90
每百元营业收入中的成本        (元)   Cost of Business Per 100 Yuan                                     (yuan)   70.85 86.39 29.09 88.32 72.73 86.06
工业增加值率             (%)   Ratio of Value-added to Gross Industrial Output Value                     (%)   29.13 19.06 83.87 16.75 26.53 19.45
企业亏损面              (%)   Ratio of Loss-making Enterprises to Total Industrial Enterprises             (%)   18.44 16.84   15.38 18.47 16.86
工业产成品存货可供销售天数      (天)   Days for Sale of Inventory of Finished Products                         (day)   17.60 12.43 1.50 3.87 18.33 13.87
每百元资金提供的总产值        (元)   Output Value Created by per 100 yuan                               (yuan)   112.87 121.35 108.67 92.62 113.08 128.14
每百元资金提供的利税         (元)   Pre-tax Profits Created by per 100 Yuan                              (yuan)   16.46 11.82 76.24 11.04 13.52 12.00
每百元固定资产原价提供利税      (元)   Pre-tax Profits Created by per 100 yuan Original Value of Fixed Assets      (yuan)   46.68 18.87 218.66 15.99 38.30 19.64
每百元固定资产原价提供总产值     (元)   Output Value Created by per 100 yuan Original Value of Fixed Assets      (yuan)   320.01 193.83 311.68 134.15 320.42 209.75
每百元固定资产净值提供利税      (元)   Pre-tax Profits Created by per 100 yuan Net Value of Fixed Assets         (yuan)   100.91 39.01 673.11 35.26 81.62 39.94
每百元固定资产净值提供总产值     (元)   Output Value Created by per 100 yuan Net Value of Fixed Assets          (yuan)   691.82 400.66 959.45 295.84 682.80 426.45
每百元总产值实现利税         (元)   Pre-tax Profits Created by per 100 yuan Output Value                   (yuan)   14.59 9.74 70.16 11.92 11.95 9.37
每百元总产值占用全部资产       (元)   Total Assets Used by per 100 yuan Output Value                       (yuan)   111.79 125.18 110.83 308.60 111.84 93.87
平均每个职工拥有全部资产       (元)   Average Assets Owned by per Staff and Worker                        (yuan)   1137973 3103686 7234370 19454548 1094662 2109062
平均每个职工提供利税         (元)   Average Pre-tax Profits Created by per Staff and Worker                 (yuan)   148478 241425 4579408 751287 116999 210410

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