11-19 规模以上大中型工业企业主要经济指标(2021年,按经济类型分)
Major Indicators of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises above the Designated Size (2021, by Type of Ownership)
单位:万元                                            (10000 yuan)
项     目   Item   合 计        
    Total 国有企业 集体企业 “三资”企业 其他企业
      State-owned Collective-owned Foreign Funded Other
      Enterprises Enterprises Enterprises Enterprises
企业单位数              (个)   Number of Enterprises                                 (unit)   773 6 5 392 370
# 亏损企业                   Number of Loss-making Enterprises                        128 1   66 61
营业收入                 Business Revenue                                         163502854 666149 99972 102117713 60619019
营业成本                 Cost of Business                                          131717083 528425 64739 81992868 49131050
税金及附加                Taxes and Other Charges                                   4909372 6192 291 2137615 2765275
盈利企业的盈利总额            Total Profits of Profitable Enterprises                         13156724 51664 1551 8934901 4168608
亏损企业的亏损总额            Total Losses of Loss-making Enterprises                       1138657 2605   651537 484515
利润总额                 Total Profits of All Enterprises                               12018067 49059 1551 8283364 3684093
所得税费用                Income Tax Payable                                       1972704 -2404 388 1500750 473970
应交增值税                Value-added Tax Payable                                   3664182 15547 3 2242572 1406060
流动资产合计               Total Working Capitals at the Year-end                        99841565 630227 22027 53240324 45948986
# 应收账款                   Accounts Receivable                                    21352874 113571 2133 13597197 7639973
# 存 货                    Inventory                                              17074853 123400   9102883 7848570
 # 产成品存货                 Inventory of Finished Goods                            6037974 29058   3641636 2367280
固定资产原价               Original Value of Fixed Assets at the Year-end                  86556028 2952704 28841 40800762 42773721
累计折旧                 Accumulated Depreciation                                  44611839 1129968 23238 21471545 21987089
固定资产净额               Net Fixed Assets                                          40554383 1820059 5504 18076822 20651998
资产总计                 Total Assets at the Year-end                                 218217171 3142371 30119 80809382 134235299
负债合计                 Total Liabilities at the Year-end                              123223639 1938297 2196 47831142 73452004
所有者权益合计              Total Owners' Equity at the Year-end                          94993532 1204074 27923 32978240 60783295
# 实收资本                   Capital Hold                                           33773791 139845 590 15273650 18359706
 # 国家资本                  State Capital                                         10533470 30201   900064 9603205
  外商资本                   Foreign Capital                                       4709301     4709226 75
应付职工薪酬               Wages Payable                                           13326328 188704 73144 7786476 5278005
平均用工人数             (人)   Annual Average Number of Staff and Workers           (person)   767242 9239 6563 454370 297070
工业总产值           (当年价格)   Gross Industrial Output Value                 (at current prices)   159077201 696680 99948 98087684 60192889
工业增加值           (当年价格)   Value-added of Industry                      (at current prices)   37324330 264646 75891 22984531 13999262

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