11-18 规模以上大中型工业企业主要经济指标(2021年,按轻重工业分)
Major Indicators of Large and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises above the Designated Size (2021by Light and Heavy Industry)
单位:万元                                     (10000 yuan)
项     目   Item   全 市 # 中央企业 # 地方企业
    Total Central Enterprises Local Enterprises
    轻工业 重工业 轻工业 重工业 轻工业 重工业
    Light Industry Heavy Industry Light Industry Heavy Industry Light Industry Heavy Industry
企业单位数              (个)   Number of Enterprises                                 (unit)   354 419 2 20 352 399
# 亏损企业                   Number of Loss-making Enterprises                        62 66   4 62 62
营业收入                 Business Revenue                                         38740279 124762575 2569820 20723853 36170459 104038722
营业成本                 Cost of Business                                          25116802 106600281 744893 18119015 24371908 88481266
税金及附加                Taxes and Other Charges                                   1528747 3380625 1301285 1170547 227463 2210078
盈利企业的盈利总额            Total Profits of Profitable Enterprises                         4227953 8928771 206326 1140491 4021626 7788281
亏损企业的亏损总额            Total Losses of Loss-making Enterprises                       601718 536939   10402 601718 526537
利润总额                 Total Profits of All Enterprises                               3626235 8391832 206326 1130088 3419908 7261744
所得税费用                Income Tax Payable                                       694026 1278678 77399 143243 616627 1135436
应交增值税                Value-added Tax Payable                                   1288466 2375716 243745 434327 1044721 1941390
流动资产合计               Total Working Capitals at the Year-end                        27638739 72202826 2025286 17889310 25613454 54313515
# 应收账款                   Accounts Receivable                                    5284723 16068152 51129 1339853 5233594 14728299
# 存 货                    Inventory                                              5043141 12031712 998282 2267834 4044859 9763878
 # 产成品存货                 Inventory of Finished Goods                            1851503 4186471 10496 166915 1841007 4019556
固定资产原价               Original Value of Fixed Assets at the Year-end                  11220350 75335677 793018 18468997 10427332 56866681
累计折旧                 Accumulated Depreciation                                  6218465 38393374 535956 10276718 5682510 28116655
固定资产净额               Net Fixed Assets                                          4946184 35608199 256807 8179215 4689377 27428984
资产总计                 Total Assets at the Year-end                                 42830022 175387149 2752343 77392696 40077679 97994453
负债合计                 Total Liabilities at the Year-end                              20917103 102306535 595888 46527822 20321215 55778713
所有者权益合计              Total Owners' Equity at the Year-end                          21912919 73080614 2156454 30864874 19756464 42215740
# 实收资本                   Capital Hold                                           7163743 26610049 810631 7994281 6353112 18615768
 # 国家资本                  State Capital                                         1241602 9291868 794896 4319291 446706 4972577
  外商资本                   Foreign Capital                                       1178848 3530453   48485 1178848 3481968
应付职工薪酬               Wages Payable                                           4666934 8659394 255379 1012780 4411555 7646614
平均用工人数             (人)   Annual Average Number of Staff and Workers           (person)   301400 465842 3729 37744 297671 428098
工业总产值           (当年价格)   Gross Industrial Output Value                 (at current prices)   34839073 124238128 2490120 21118383 32348953 103119745
工业增加值           (当年价格)   Value-added of Industry                      (at current prices)   11125433 26198897 2096984 3764475 9028449 22434422

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