11-17 续表2 continued
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
行     业 Sector 固定资产原价 累计折旧 固定资产净额 资产总计 负债合计 所有者权益 平均用工人数
Original Value Accumulated Net Fixed Assets Total Total 合  计 (人)
of Fixed Depreciation   Assets Liabilities Total Owners' Average Number
Assets at     at the at the Equity at of Employed
the Year-end     Year-end Year-end the Year-end Persons (person)
合  计 Total 108023406 56131953 49934313 282017403 159683814 122333590 1253152
 煤炭开采和洗选业  Mining and Washing of Coal               
 石油和天然气开采业  Extraction of Petroleum and Natural Gas               
 黑色金属矿采选业  Mining and Processing of Ferrous Metal Ores              
 有色金属矿采选业  Mining and Processing of Nonferrous Metal Ores              
 非金属矿采选业  Mining and Processing of Nonmetal Ores 61352 10909 50443 499867 475117 24750 288
 开采专业及辅助性活动  Mining Professional and Auxiliary Activities              
 其他矿采选业  Mining of Other Ores              
 农副食品加工业  Processing of Food from Agricultural Products 628248 328270 284189 2822805 1688028 1134778 12608
 食品制造业  Manufacturing of Foods 2158063 1317831 837730 5612002 2740901 2871101 52892
 酒、饮料和精制茶制造业  Manufacture of Wine ,Beverages and Refined Tea 1387523 802618 579901 3301264 1219643 2081621 22259
 烟草制品业  Manufacturing of Tobacco  704817 508745 196073 2594631 562960 2031672 2669
 纺织业  Textile Industry 881884 552012 328537 1676769 741661 935108 20054
 纺织服装、服饰业  Manufacture of Textile Wearing Apparel,Clothing 308086 159249 147563 2106714 1160714 946000 52824
 皮革、毛皮、羽毛及其制品和制鞋业  Manufacture of Leather, Fur, Feather and Related Products and Footwear 152964 86427 61345 786113 573787 212327 35400
 木材加工及木、竹、藤、棕、草制品业  Processing of Timber, Manufacture of Wood, Bamboo,Rattan,Palm and Straw Products 88519 56773 31674 928198 343779 584419 4827
 家具制造业  Manufacturing of Furniture 593322 228792 363915 5105114 2858376 2246738 32267
 造纸及纸制品业  Manufacturing of Paper and Paper Products 697390 297086 381375 2557331 1666606 890725 13025
 印刷和记录媒介复制业  Manufacture of Leather, Fur, Feather and Related Products and Footwear 636147 377994 240644 1054847 588564 466283 19126
 文教、工美、体育和娱乐用品制造业  Manufacture of Culture and Education ,Arts and Crafts, Sports and Entertainment Supplies 734950 448124 272351 1646826 721929 924896 38482
 石油、煤炭及其他燃料加工业  Petroleum, Coal and Other Fuel Processing Industries 2411186 1897741 504178 2814001 1533005 1280996 4831
 化学原料及化学制品制造业  Manufacturing of Raw Chemical Material and Chemical Products 3842347 2184436 1636107 13074456 6743322 6331135 75802
 医药制造业  Manufacturing of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products 2149530 941124 1197448 10653471 4730280 5923191 40446
 化学纤维制造业  Manufacturing of Chemical Fiber 67492 45629 21863 83895 23255 60640 642
 橡胶和塑料制品业  Manufacture of Rubber and Plastic  2477297 1338464 1091614 7381148 3998050 3383099 59757
 非金属矿物制品业  Manufacturing of Non-metallic Mineral Products 1776766 777629 971658 6091584 4415726 1675858 30048
 黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业  Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals 1459096 868906 590184 1476008 1180587 295421 3948
 有色金属冶炼和压延加工业  Smelting and Pressing of Non-ferrous Metals 256741 103209 100287 1915300 1455022 460278 4512
 金属制品业  Manufacturing of Metal Products 1812638 954678 824480 4580389 2344262 2236127 44149
 通用设备制造业  Manufacturing of General Purpose Equipment 2390940 1429073 884923 10505776 5829489 4676287 78133
 专用设备制造业  Manufacturing of Special Purpose Equipment 1315462 585722 687048 6278215 3387015 2891200 49768
 汽车制造业  Manufacture of Automobile 17779582 10098771 6597809 37875185 23035953 14839232 160348
 铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业  Manufacture of Railway, Ship, Aerospace and Other Transportation Equipment 2049769 902068 1124839 8508220 6350822 2157398 28016
 电气机械及器材制造业  Manufacturing of Electric Machinery and Equipment 2559843 1148037 1405647 11952654 6393720 5558934 97380
 计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业  Manufacture of Computers, Communications and Other Electronic Equipment  16131808 6869183 8916239 33542099 17687088 15855011 184685
 仪器仪表制造业  Manufacture of Instrument  307845 145298 160344 1939469 1071112 868358 16465
 其他制造业  Other Manufacturing 58667 30583 27935 166798 102457 64341 3180
 废弃资源综合利用业  Comprehensive Utilization of Waste Resources 90284 39885 50399 502982 334918 168064 2050
 金属制品、机械和设备修理业  Metal Products, Machinery and Equipment Repair 855347 351706 502706 1430020 825361 604659 13330
 电力、热力生产和供应业  Production and Supply of Electric Power and Heat Power 31608868 17606406 13913708 81134047 46859138 34274909 29638
 燃气生产和供应业  Production and Supply of Gas 922073 352328 568873 2541339 1654775 886565 4850
 水的生产和供应业  Production and Supply of Water 6666557 2286249 4380284 6877868 4386395 2491473 14453

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