11-16 规模以上工业企业主要经济指标(2021年,按企业规模分)
Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above the Designated Size (2021, by Size of Enterprises)
单位:万元  (10000 yuan)
项     目   Item   全 市 # 国有及国有控股工业企业
    Total State-owned and State-holding Enterprises
    大  型 中  型 小微型 大  型 中  型 小微型
    Large Medium Small and Micro Large Medium Small and Micro
    Enterprises Enterprises Enterprises Enterprises Enterprises Enterprises
企业单位数              (个)   Number of Enterprises                                 (unit)   167 606 5984 47 63 223
# 亏损企业                   Number of Loss-making Enterprises                        28 100 1062 15 13 37
营业收入                 Business Revenue                                         126622275 36880578 75132902 77821314 5702328 20634052
营业成本                 Cost of Business                                          102735169 28981914 65121476 65346631 4650842 19658548
税金及附加                Taxes and Other Charges                                   4694415 214958 283288 4474913 63062 47588
盈利企业的盈利总额            Total Profits of Profitable Enterprises                         9928314 3228410 4120225 5394581 386576 860492
亏损企业的亏损总额            Total Losses of Loss-making Enterprises                       292881 845776 943395 136320 189878 311959
利润总额                 Total Profits of All Enterprises                               9635434 2382633 3176831 5258261 196698 548533
所得税费用                Income Tax Payable                                       1462550 510155 526109 651345 37076 89897
应交增值税                Value-added Tax Payable                                   2886634 777548 1146796 1751492 165218 94934
流动资产合计               Total Working Capitals at the Year-end                        72649695 27191870 42224245 40307694 5398722 6923332
# 应收账款                  Accounts Receivable     13463995 7888880 12942263 4874799 1337848 1788055
# 存 货                   Inventory     11636314 5438539 8321362 5982912 1160090 1101245
 # 产成品存货               Inventory of Finished Goods     3945839 2092135 3060551 1311014 316506 410420
固定资产原价               Original Value of Fixed Assets at the Year-end                  69626449 16929578 21467378 46901791 5101532 8265721
累计折旧                 Accumulated Depreciation                                  36225421 8386418 11520114 25115018 2193874 4811000
固定资产净额               Net Fixed Assets                                          32209371 8345012 9379930 21206814 2835906 3166853
资产总计                 Total Assets at the Year-end                                 173961639 44255531 63800233 121954820 10342621 15291357
负债合计                 Total Liabilities at the Year-end                              100098937 23124702 36460175 72055433 6429565 8721230
所有者权益合计              Total Owners' Equity at the Year-end                          73862703 21130830 27340058 49899386 3913056 6570127
# 实收资本                  Capital Hold     24850970 8922821 14813104 15257449 2642947 3724614
 # 国家资本                State Capital     9310025 1223445 2160783 9141379 1118711 1971728
  外商资本                 Foreign Capital     2773962 1935339 2281335 428913 374234 37855
应付职工薪酬               Wages Payable                                           8969732 4356596 5105906 4250303 697760 495481
平均用工人数             (人)   Annual Average Number of Staff and Workers           (person)   441555 325687 485910 156730 35121 26815
工业总产值           (当年价格)   Gross Industrial Output Value                 (at current prices)   122372469 36704731 72132823 78023467 5734243 18921487
工业增加值           (当年价格)   Value-added of Industry                      (at current prices)   28841812 8482517 12312875 17488609 1339362 1837893

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