11-14 规模以上工业企业主要经济指标(2021年,按轻重工业分)
Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above the Designated Size(2021 by Light and Heavy Industry)
单位:万元                                                                                                                              (10000 yuan)
项     目   Item   全  市 # 中央企业 # 地方企业
    Total Central Enterprises Local Enterprises
    轻工业 重工业 轻工业 重工业 轻工业 重工业
    Light Industry Heavy Industry Light Industry Heavy Industry Light Industry Heavy Industry
企业单位数              (个)   Number of Enterprises                                 (unit)   3259 3498 5 52 3254 3446
# 亏损企业                     Number of Loss-making Enterprises                        601 589   8 601 581
营业收入                   Business Revenue                                         59913336 178722419 2584481 25799329 57328855 152923090
营业成本                   Cost of Business                                          42448219 154390340 751756 22784826 41696463 131605514
税金及附加                  Taxes and Other Charges                                   1627131 3565530 1301428 1177488 325703 2388042
盈利企业的盈利总额            Total Profits of Profitable Enterprises                         5622817 11654132 210844 1467420 5411973 10186712
亏损企业的亏损总额            Total Losses of Loss-making Enterprises                       874425 1207627   42942 874425 1164685
利润总额                   Total Profits of All Enterprises                               4748393 10446505 210844 1424478 4537548 9022027
所得税费用                  Income Tax Payable                                       880849 1617965 77973 177041 802876 1440924
应交增值税                  Value-added Tax Payable                                   1700668 3110311 244847 453370 1455821 2656941
流动资产合计                 Total Working Capitals at the Year-end                        41051518 101014293 2043774 19015658 39007744 81998634
# 应收账款                     Accounts Receivable                                    8425227 25869910 60217 1592437 8365010 24277474
# 存 货                      Inventory                                              7928403 17467812 998921 2501339 6929481 14966473
 # 产成品存货                   Inventory of Finished Goods                            2929560 6168965 10774 277408 2918786 5891557
固定资产原价                 Original Value of Fixed Assets at the Year-end                  17301861 90721545 803589 19110666 16498271 71610879
累计折旧                   Accumulated Depreciation                                  9298554 46833399 542545 10444731 8756010 36388667
固定资产净额                 Net Fixed Assets                                          7854768 42079545 260789 8622206 7593979 33457338
资产总计                   Total Assets at the Year-end                                 61898091 220119312 2775828 79117757 59122263 141001555
负债合计                   Total Liabilities at the Year-end                              31205228 128478585 601351 47510612 30603877 80967973
所有者权益合计                Total Owners' Equity at the Year-end                          30692863 91640727 2174477 31607146 28518386 60033582
# 实收资本                     Capital Hold                                           11832987 36753908 815832 8439160 11017155 28314747
 # 国家资本                    State Capital                                         1371342 11322910 799761 4466823 571582 6856087
  外商资本                     Foreign Capital                                       1875672 5114964   50714 1875672 5064250
应付职工薪酬                 Wages Payable                                           6853416 11578817 258268 1087495 6595148 10491323
平均用工人数             (人)   Annual Average Number of Staff and Workers           (person)   543933 709219 3837 40668 540096 668551
工业总产值           (当年价格)   Gross Industrial Output Value                 (at current prices)   55368454 175841570 2504598 25637444 52863855 150204126
工业增加值           (当年价格)   Value-added of Industry                      (at current prices)   16126799 33510405 2100534 4293498 14026265 29216907

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