11-13 规模以上工业企业主要经济指标(2021年)
Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above the Designated Size (2021)
单位:万元                                                                            (10000 yuan)
项     目   Item   全 市    
    Total # 中央企业 # 地方企业
      Central Enterprises Local Enterprises
企业单位数              (个)   Number of Enterprises                                 (unit)   6757 57 6700
# 亏损企业                   Number of Loss-making Enterprises                        1190 8 1182
营业收入                   Business Revenue                                         238635756 28383811 210251945
营业成本                   Cost of Business                                          196838559 23536582 173301977
税金及附加                  Taxes and Other Charges                                   5192660 2478915 2713745
盈利企业的盈利总额            Total Profits of Profitable Enterprises                         17276949 1678264 15598685
亏损企业的亏损总额            Total Losses of Loss-making Enterprises                       2082052 42942 2039110
利润总额                   Total Profits of All Enterprises                               15194898 1635322 13559576
所得税费用                  Income Tax Payable                                       2498814 255014 2243800
应交增值税                  Value-added Tax Payable                                   4810979 698217 4112761
流动资产合计                 Total Working Capitals at the Year-end                        142065810 21059432 121006378
# 应收账款                   Accounts Receivable                                    34295137 1652654 32642484
# 存 货                    Inventory                                              25396215 3500260 21895955
 # 产成品存货                   Inventory of Finished Goods                            9098524 288182 8810342
固定资产原价                 Original Value of Fixed Assets at the Year-end                  108023406 19914255 88109151
累计折旧                   Accumulated Depreciation                                  56131953 10987276 45144677
固定资产净额                 Net Fixed Assets                                          49934313 8882995 41051318
资产总计                   Total Assets at the Year-end                                 282017403 81893585 200123818
负债合计                   Total Liabilities at the Year-end                              159683814 48111963 111571851
所有者权益合计                Total Owners' Equity at the Year-end                          122333590 33781622 88551968
# 实收资本                   Capital Hold                                           48586895 9254992 39331903
 # 国家资本                    State Capital                                         12694252 5266583 7427669
  外商资本                     Foreign Capital                                       6990636 50714 6939923
应付职工薪酬                 Wages Payable                                           18432234 1345763 17086470
平均用工人数             (人)   Annual Average Number of Staff and Workers           (person)   1253152 44505 1208647
工业总产值           (当年价格)   Gross Industrial Output Value                 (at current prices)   231210024 28142043 203067981
工业增加值           (当年价格)   Value-added of Industry                      (at current prices)   49637204 6394033 43243172

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