11-12 主要年份规模以上工业企业主要经济指标
Main Indicators of Industrial Enterprises above the Designated Size in Main Years
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项    目   Item   2000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
企业单位数     (个)   Number of Enterprises                       (unit)   4531 6969 4437 4373 4812 4774 4650 4662 4664 4809 5804 6208 6757
# 亏损企业           Number of Loss-making Enterprises                954 1060 689 744 652 676 757 628 583 755 808 1104 1190
营业收入         Business Revenue          145086461 150822672 158167813 167023591 171224204 175237274 181888742 193203157 204661205 209239195 238635756
主营业务收入       Revenue from Principal Business                   25342544 136246497 142702405 147964380 155067607 163773477 168050610 171355762 177824134 188940859 200789709 203435900 231376215
营业成本         Cost of Business          121561470 125267159 130014079 137662449 141345831 145312089 149153580 159289442 168977900 170484184 196838559
税金及附加        Taxes and Other Charges           3225061 3342312 3456332 3528065 3830470 3683607 4042079 4996688 4862051 5048506 5192660
盈利企业的盈利总额     Total Profits of Profitable Enterprises                1577983 10910868 10629334 9666882 11721003 11707720 11919417 12885022 14183445 15140201 15255302 16638382 17276949
亏损企业的亏损总额     Total Losses of Loss-making Enterprises             393740 598124 1044071 1410834 667252 827867 933685 568663 694547 1080421 1924833 2024371 2082052
利润总额         Total Profits of All Enterprises                     1184243 10312744 9585263 8256048 11053751 10879853 10985732 12316359 13488898 14059780 13330468 14614011 15194898
所得税费用        Income Tax Payable                              160118 1440506 1616771 1473553 1902197 2005738 2190998 2232541 2387294 2351971 2162005 2366045 2498814
应交增值税        Value-added Tax Payable                         919339 4696284 4545000 4354268 5125516 4882891 5386846 5177392 5228958 5091789 4149001 4386305 4810979
流动资产合计       Total Working Capitals at the Year-end              15082653 60871184 65179319 64593607 74129378 74764969 80408497 88188186 96779199 101717230 110643480 123664111 142065810
# 存 货            Inventory                                     4301980 14111012 15232168 14522684 16005082 17037284 17158817 18033526 18627915 19570116 19723127 21078945 25396215
 # 产成品存货          Inventory of Finished Goods                     1528452 4694208 5213396 5427243 5540642 5958356 5632484 6056731 6892340 7314025 7498511 7949689 9098524
固定资产原价       Original Value of Fixed Assets at the Year-end          17672981 52094111 53921739 55980684 62689307 68562811 76523257 78525615 83420835 81127100 87101336 100045635 108023406
资产总计         Total Assets at the Year-end                       30861594 112655080 118306012 121573804 135540623 140934954 155333696 167377121 179076236 186667654 209952476 229442060 282017403
负债合计         Total Liabilities at the Year-end                    18249287 63320448 66428322 64458098 73585807 76229825 82261928 86779985 90880623 91685081 104542418 115468263 159683814
年末所有者权益合计     Total Owners' Equity at the Year-end                12612307 49334632 51877690 57115706 61954816 64705129 73071768 80597136 88195613 94982573 105410058 113973797 122333590
# 实收资本           Capital Hold                                  8458358 28796044 29125022 30434735 32278772 33859432 36002643 39035369 38744839 40175303 45186190 45210176 48586895
 # 国家资本           State Capital                                 1375635 4529442 3763637 1692610 4011019 4419667 11612683 12734788 13956470 15644310 13219619 11740293 12694252
  外商资本         Foreign Capital                               3578053 5915409 6476297 6874272 7019315 7711786 6920908 7226057 6725689 6828975 7592051 8137746 6990636
应付职工薪酬       Wages Payable                                  1623490 8634171 7650769 8148319 9441451 10920005 11495875 11694022 12648031 15371683 15656641 15521939 18432234
平均用工人数    (人)   Annual Average Number of Staff and Workers  (person)   1173960 1662226 1547037 1499914 1534434 1462674 1418883 1355635 1276030 1239051 1255434 1221261 1253152
工业总产值  (当年价格)   Gross Industrial Output Value       (at current prices)   25685694 135312498 141702680 148577082 155323091 162829719 167268662 171911624 178585638 185951072 195549063 203101622 231210024
工业增加值  (当年价格)   Value-added of Industry            (at current prices)   7083953 31433200 32962618 34451765 35991105 37373803 38438366 39669962 41103222 42094777 43477896 45445998 49637204

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